Silent Witness

If you see or have seen a crime or security incident occurring on campus and you would like to report it, please let us know the details.

Incident report form

The incident
Time and location
The offender
If you believe this security incident to be a crime, please enter any information you have regarding the offender. Please include any distinguishing marks or other details in the "offender's description" and also include the offender's name if known.
Did the offender wear glasses?
Your details (OPTIONAL)
It will greatly assist us to be able to contact you. Please enter your details below if you are comfortable with us possibly contacting you regarding this incident. Make sure you read the instructions on keeping your report confidential

Supplying this information is strictly optional.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
  • Your confidentiality

    The reports that are lodged from the Silent Witness site are kept strictly confidential.