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Creative writing: The last polar bear

The last polar bear

On a forty-nine-degree summer day, 8,000 miles from the North Pole, the last polar bear arrives in Adelaide.

[Read more about Creative writing: The last polar bear]

Wine review: Montepulciano

Grapevine feature

Sue Bastian reviews a lesser known wine variety suitable for our State now and into the cellar of the future.

[Read more about Wine review: Montepulciano]

Book review: Childhood

Shannon Burns

A Review of Shannon Burns’ Childhood, by Jennifer Rutherford and Brian Castro.

[Read more about Book review: Childhood]

Resources for a sustainable future

Barr Smith library

As South Australia’s leading research- intensive institution, the University of Adelaide continues to accelerate transitions towards sustainability with investment in research that has a measurable impact.

[Read more about Resources for a sustainable future]

Giving: Donor spotlight

Alex hanging a gate on his property in the Murray Mallee where he is regenerating the land with his partner Aurelia

For Alex Bishop-Thorpe, a member of the University’s monthly giving program, supporting a charity or cause you are passionate about is your vote for the world you want.

[Read more about Giving: Donor spotlight]

Scholarship spotlight

Dr Jennifer Possingham, Dieu Phan and Graham Possingham at the 2022 Scholarship Celebration

Food sustains human life, yet the trends of increasing population, increasingly extreme climate, decreasing agricultural labour, and reduced agricultural land are placing huge strains on food security globally, especially in developing countries.

[Read more about Scholarship spotlight]

Rebooting the Muse

Elder Hall

Harnessing digital technologies for sustainability in the Australian performing arts.

[Read more about Rebooting the Muse]

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