Event from the University of Adelaide

Research Tuesdays - Gravity speaks

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Free event. All welcome. Registration essential.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

The Braggs lecture theatre

It's one of the most important scientific advances of our lifetimes. The recent detection of gravitational waves, emanating from a cataclysmic collision of two black holes around 1.3 billion years ago, has rewritten our concept of the universe.

The discovery, made by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)--an international collaboration involving 90 universities, within which the University of Adelaide plays a significant role--is a technological triumph; beyond what even Einstein, who first predicted the waves' existence, imagined possible.

In this truly awe-inspiring presentation the University's LIGO team leader will explain how gravitational waves will allow humanity to eavesdrop, for the first time, on the dark, violent side of the universe, and explore the secrets that might be revealed.

The presenter
Professor Peter Veitch is Head of Physics at the University of Adelaide. He is a founding member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), a member of the LSC Council, a Councillor of the Australian Optical Society, and Fellow of the Optical Society of America.

Visit website [1]

Jessica Douglas, Email: jessica.douglas@adelaide.edu.au [2], Research Marketing Coordinator, Business: 08 8313 0884

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[1] http://blogs.adelaide.edu.au/researchtuesdays/2016/02/22/gravity-speaks/
[2] mailto:jessica.douglas@adelaide.edu.au