Changes to companion animal service opening hours

vet students 7313

Dear valued clients, we've made some changes to our companion animal veterinary services at the University of Adelaide Veterinary Health Centre, Roseworthy.

You may have seen reports in the media over the last year regarding a national shortage of vets. As a result, we have had to make the difficult decision to temporarily reduce our companion animal hospital hours of opening.

We will be open during the following times for wellness, urgent care, and emergencies for your dogs, cats, birds, pocket pets and injured/orphaned wildlife.

The following will be effective as of Monday December 20 until further notice:

  • General consultations and other small animal services are available between 7am and 8pm Monday to Friday.
  • For emergencies, we are open during the above hours, as well as 24 hours a day over the weekend - i.e. between 8pm Friday and 7am Monday.
  • Outside of these times, a nurse will be able to take your call and suggest the most appropriate course of action.

We remain committed to providing a high standard of veterinary services to our clients and your pets. To ensure we continue to deliver the best possible care, nurses will continue to work in the hospital 24/7 for hospitalised patients that are clinically stable. 

Emergencies and unstable patients will be triaged to an appropriate area practice, but for pets with complex medical conditions, it may be necessary to travel to Adelaide for continued veterinary management. 

We are working hard to rectify this situation quickly. We appreciate your understanding during these challenging times.

Tagged in Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital, Dogs, Cats, Small animals