
ANZCCART Australia

In Australia, ANZCCART membership comprises of representatives from major sponsors,  general members, lay members, animal welfare representatives and honorary life members.

  • Board

    Sponsoring Members are major financial contributors and are represented on the Board of Directors. Currently, these are: CSIRORoyal Society Te Apārangi, and  UA.  Lay Members and Animal Welfare Members represent the interests of the community as well as animal welfare organisations and are included on both the Board and Council.

    ANZCCART would like to thank and acknowledge Universities Australia, CSIRO and Royal Society Te Apārangi as key sponsors of ANZCCART.

    The Australian Board includes:

    Professor Alastair Sloan BSc, PhD, PGCert, FHEA, CBiol, FRSB, FICD, FFDRCSI Chair

    ANZCCART Chair since April 2023.  Alastair has a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Wales and PhD in Oral Biology and Pathology from The University of Birmingham, UK and a significant career in research and leadership within academic institutions and professional bodies both within the UK and Australia.  He has a long standing interest and background in advancing the 3Rs in biomedical research and bioengineering, commitment for supporting ANZCCART’s mission to be a leading source of information and advice concerning best practice on the ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching, and enthusiasm for the development of our next three year strategy.

    Ms Cathy Pitkin  BA(Hum) BBus(Comm) MIntComDev, Certificate in Executive Management, Leadership and Development. Deputy Chair and CSIRO Representative

    Cathy has over 25 years of experience working in leadership roles across private, government, NGO and research organisations.  She is currently Executive Manager Social Responsibility and Ethics at the CSIRO with responsibility for the organisation's research ethics and integrity function.  This includes oversight of animal ethics and welfare within the organisation's research practice.  Cathy is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

    Professor Alan Tilbrook  BSc (Hons) PhD Universities Australia Representative

    Professor Alan Tilbrook has over 30 years of experience in leading scientific research on the welfare of animals. His predominant research discipline is neuroendocrinology. He has also established and leads The Animal Welfare Collaborative a national initiative to improve the welfare of animals that is led by The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia, The University of Adelaide and The University of Newcastle. He is Chair and Research Champion of the National Animal Welfare Research, Development and Extension Strategy and was a founder and Deputy Director of the Animal Welfare Science Centre. For a number of years Professor Tilbrook chaired the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee of South Australia, which advises the South Australian Government on animal welfare, and from 2013 to 2017 he was the chair of the Primary Industries and Regions South Australia Animal Ethics Committee.

    Professor Pat Cragg   BSc(Hons)  PhD(Brist)  Royal Society Te Apārangi Representative

    Chair of the ANZCCART New Zealand Board since April 2020. Pat is a physiologist, and from undergraduate training, a zoologist; her research area covered cardiorespiratory function and control in health and disease; her breadth of teaching is typified as a co-editor of a long-standing physiology textbook. Prior to retirement in May 2018, she held appointments at the University of Otago, for instance as Head of Department of Physiology, Associate Dean Academic Health Sciences and Acting Dean of School of Biomedical Sciences. Pat was on the University's Animal Ethics Committee for 27 years and on the ANZCCART New Zealand Board for 18 years, with 4 years as Deputy Chair, as well as 7 years as the NZ representative on the ANZCCART Australian Board. For many years Pat was Secretary of the Physiological Society of NZ and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Otago Medical Research Foundation. From mid-April 2019 she returned from retirement to be the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic at the University of Otago.

    Dr Mandy Paterson  BVsc (Hons) MEd PhD  RSPCA Representative

    Mandy has worked as the Principal Scientist for RSPCA Qld for 12 years. She worked as a clinical veterinarian for over 20 years and then moved into research. Her areas of interest include animal welfare policy and research, shelter management and practice, and wildlife policy and management. Mandy represents the RSPCA on several Government and industry committees and working groups.

    Dr Malcolm France BVSc PhD MANZCVS (Pathology)  Lay Member

    Malcolm France is a consultant veterinarian working in the care and management of laboratory animals. He has a PhD in veterinary pathology and has served as the director of animal facilities at two of Australia’s Group of Eight universities. Other appointments have included chair of two Animal Ethics Committees, reviewer for the international journal Laboratory Animals, ad hoc site visitor for AAALAC International, inaugural President, Registrar and Public Officer of ANZLAA, and secretary of the ANZCVS laboratory animal chapter.

  • Council

    General, Lay and Animal Welfare Members are invited by the Board to join ANZCCART.

    • General Members are groups, associations or authorities, including Australian State, Territory and Commonwealth Government and New Zealand Government Departments, which are involved in the administration and funding; regulation; use and supply, and welfare of animals that are necessary for research and teaching purposes.
    • Honorary Life Members.

    Australian Council includes representatives from the following:

ANZCCART New Zealand

In New Zealand, ANZCCART comprises representatives from the research, animal welfare and education communities, and is a standing committee of the Royal Society Te Apārangi

ANZCCART supports openness in the use of animals in science. The Members of ANZCCART (NZ) are AgResearch, Department of Conservation, Landcare Research, Ministry for Primary Industries, NIWA, New Zealand Veterinary Association, Royal Society Te Apārangi, SPCA New Zealand, Unitec, and Universities New Zealand.

  • Board

    The Committee meets regularly during the year to advance our underlying purpose to promote discussion around the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. We believe we contribute to a social license for such use by promoting the highest standards of care and consideration. Central to our philosophy is the active deployment of the “Three R’s” – the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research and teaching. Such discussions can be challenging. We facilitate them because we believe in considered and informed debate.” Hon Pete Hodgson, Chair – ANZCCART (NZ) (2012-2020)

    The New Zealand Board includes:

    • Associate Professor Ngaio Beausoleil, Co-Director, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey University
    • Professor Pat Cragg (Chair), Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of Otago
    • Professor Laura Bennet, Professor of Physiology, University of Auckland
    • Dr Sally Birdsall, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland
    • Dr Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand SPCA
    • Dr Mike King, Senior Lecturer, Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
    • Dr Kate Littin, Manager – Animal Welfare Team, Ministry for Primary Industries
    • Dr Jodi Salinsky, Animal Welfare Officer, University of Auckland
    • Dr Jim Webster, Science Team Leader, AgResearch
    • ANZCCART Fellow (observer) Essie Van Zuylen, PhD Student, University of Otago

    The Committee meets regularly during the year to advance our underlying purpose to promote discussion around the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. We believe we contribute to a social license for such use by promoting the highest standards of care and consideration. Central to our philosophy is the active deployment of the “Three R’s” – the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research and teaching. Such discussions can be challenging. We facilitate them because we believe in considered and informed debate.” Hon Pete Hodgson, Chair – ANZCCART (NZ) (2012-2020)

    The New Zealand Board includes:

    • Emeritus Professor Pat Cragg (Chair) - Appointed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi
    • Arnja Dale (Deputy Chair) - SPCA New Zealand (SPCA nominee) (Deputy Chair)
    • Ngaio Beausoleil - Massey University (Universities New Zealand nominee)
    • Dr Sally Birdsall - University of Auckland (Appointed by Royal Society Te Apārangi)
    • Vanessa Borman - AgResearch (AgResearch nominee)
    • Justin Dean - University of Auckland (Appointed by Royal Society Te Apārangi)
    • Mike King - University of Otago (Appointed by Royal Society Te Apārangi)
    • Tipene Merritt - University of Canterbury (Appointed by Royal Society Te Apārangi)
    • Stacey Parbhu - Ministry for Primary Industries (Associate Member nominee)
    • Ian Saldanha -  Cawthron Institute (Appointed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi)

    ANZCCART Fellow (An observer position for postgraduates (within 8 years of completion of their degree) on the NZ Board):

    • Morgan Heslop – Massey University (Appointed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi)

    The Committee meets regularly during the year to advance our underlying purpose to promote discussion around the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. We believe we contribute to a social license for such use by promoting the highest standards of care and consideration. Central to our philosophy is the active deployment of the “Three R’s” – the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research and teaching. Such discussions can be challenging. We facilitate them because we believe in considered and informed debate.” Hon Pete Hodgson, Chair – ANZCCART (NZ) (2012-2020)

    The New Zealand Board includes:

    • Associate Professor Ngaio Beausoleil, Co-Director, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey University
    • Professor Pat Cragg (Chair), Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of Otago
    • Professor Laura Bennet, Professor of Physiology, University of Auckland
    • Dr Sally Birdsall, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland
    • Dr Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand SPCA
    • Dr Mike King, Senior Lecturer, Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
    • Dr Kate Littin, Manager – Animal Welfare Team, Ministry for Primary Industries
    • Dr Jodi Salinsky, Animal Welfare Officer, University of Auckland
    • Dr Jim Webster, Science Team Leader, AgResearch
    • ANZCCART Fellow (observer) Essie Van Zuylen, PhD Student, University of Otago

    The Committee meets regularly during the year to advance our underlying purpose to promote discussion around the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. We believe we contribute to a social license for such use by promoting the highest standards of care and consideration. Central to our philosophy is the active deployment of the “Three R’s” – the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research and teaching. Such discussions can be challenging. We facilitate them because we believe in considered and informed debate.” Hon Pete Hodgson, Chair – ANZCCART (NZ) (2012-2020)

    The New Zealand Board includes:

    • Associate Professor Ngaio Beausoleil, Co-Director, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey University
    • Professor Pat Cragg (Chair), Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of Otago
    • Professor Laura Bennet, Professor of Physiology, University of Auckland
    • Dr Sally Birdsall, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland
    • Dr Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand SPCA
    • Dr Mike King, Senior Lecturer, Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
    • Dr Kate Littin, Manager – Animal Welfare Team, Ministry for Primary Industries
    • Dr Jodi Salinsky, Animal Welfare Officer, University of Auckland
    • Dr Jim Webster, Science Team Leader, AgResearch
    • ANZCCART Fellow (observer) Essie Van Zuylen, PhD Student, University of Otago

    The Committee meets regularly during the year to advance our underlying purpose to promote discussion around the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. We believe we contribute to a social license for such use by promoting the highest standards of care and consideration. Central to our philosophy is the active deployment of the “Three R’s” – the refinement, reduction and replacement of animals in research and teaching. Such discussions can be challenging. We facilitate them because we believe in considered and informed debate.” Hon Pete Hodgson, Chair – ANZCCART (NZ) (2012-2020)

    The New Zealand Board includes:

    • Associate Professor Ngaio Beausoleil, Co-Director, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey University
    • Professor Pat Cragg (Chair), Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of Otago
    • Professor Laura Bennet, Professor of Physiology, University of Auckland
    • Dr Sally Birdsall, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland
    • Dr Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand SPCA
    • Dr Mike King, Senior Lecturer, Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
    • Dr Kate Littin, Manager – Animal Welfare Team, Ministry for Primary Industries
    • Dr Jodi Salinsky, Animal Welfare Officer, University of Auckland
    • Dr Jim Webster, Science Team Leader, AgResearch
    • ANZCCART Fellow (observer) Essie Van Zuylen, PhD Student, University of Otago
  • Full Members

  • Associate Members

Honorary life members of ANZCCART

Honorary life membership of ANZCCART is regarded as the ultimate recognition we can bestow on any individual who, in the opinion of the Board and Members has provided outstanding service to ANZCCART over a number of years that is clearly above and beyond what would normally be expected and has also worked for the welfare of animals in research and teaching in line with ANZCCART's stated goals.

Since our inception in 1987, we have recognised those listed below with this award:

  • 2010  Professor Margaret Rose
  • 2010  Professor Warwick Anderson
  • 2011  Mrs Elizabeth Grant
  • 2011  Professor David Mellor
  • 2011  Dr AC David Bayvel  (Deceased)
  • 2012  Mr John Strachan
  • 2012  Dr Michael Rickard