Australex Program. Biennial Meeting, 2002

Friday, 6 December – CEDAM Seminar Room, Linnaeus Cottage aka  Building 96 (west of the Hancock Library) (at end of Linnaeus Way, part of the building housing the Australian National Dictionary Centre) - see the campus map page.

Program Schedule
Time Details
10.00am David Blair, Macquarie University (President)
Towards a standard terminology of geographic features
10.30 Bruce Moore, ANDC (Vice-President/President Elect)
Evidence for the development of Australian English in the reports of 19th-century school inspectors
11.00 Tea

Business meeting and election of officers 2002-04

12.30 Lunch
13.30 Amanda Laugesen, ANDC
Australian First World War slang and the developmentof the Australian lexicon
14.00 Judith Robertson, ANDC
The lexicographical detective
14.30 Tea
15.00 Andrew Pawley, ANU
On making dictionary entries for conventional 'speechact' expressions

Everyone interested in attending is invited to send their contact details (name, position and institution if applicable, postal address, phone number, and email address) to AUSTRALEX secretary Flavia Hodges,  (snailmail: Department of English, Macquarie University, NSW 2109).

The preceding day, 5 December 2002, there is also the Australian Placenames Colloquium at ANU (Seminar Room A, Coombs Building).