Directory Listing

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 37853 Purdie David Manager, Student Service, Roseworthy [email]
831 32441 Quilliam Michelle Assoc Director Education Policy & Compliance [email]
831 30932 Raneskold Susanne Global Partnerships Manager [email]
831 31454 Reynolds Kate Manager, Business Intelligence & Analytics [email]
none registered Risley Dee Operations Manager [email]
831 37377 Roberts Paul Director, Health, Safety & Wellbeing [email]
831 35084 Roberts Steph Director, HR Advisory & Workplace Relations [email]
none registered Rolston Alec Research Program Manager [email]
831 30448 Rosenbauer Paula Research Support Lead SET [email]
831 38139 Rossi-Fedele Giampiero Professor [email]
831 34327 Salem Abdallah Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34226 Sambrook Paul Senior Lecturer [email]
831 39000 Sanders Prash Director - Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders [email]
831 34719 Sayers Russell Senior Analyst [email]
831 36895 Schubert Camille Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 33655 Schwarz Nisha CAR Program Manager, AIML [email]
831 35805 Scott Andre Chief Financial Officer [email]
831 34372 Servin Lottie Team Leader, Biomedical Research Facility [email]
831 36467 Sheldon Gwyneth Finance Manager [email]
831 34405 Simmons Adam Manager, Student Support [email]
831 33913 Simpson Lauren Manager, Leadership & Talent [email]
831 34597 Simpson Marc Specialist Technical Officer [email]
831 33074 Singh Abhishek Chief Architect & CISO [email]
831 33283 Sirop Aisha Commercial Manager [email]
831 31912 Smith Paul Senior Space Planner [email]
831 33916 Southgate Gemma Development Project Lead [email]
831 33695 Sparrow Daniel Team Lead - Project Initiation, HMS [email]
831 30797 Sri Dushyanta Renuka Education Program Manager, ELC (GEAP) [email]
831 32937 Steffens Paul Professor in Entrepreneurship [email]
831 35017 Sterzl Brett Manager, Finance Strategy and Reporting [email]
831 37630 Stirling Mailys Director, Faculty Technical Services [email]
831 33462 Stocks Nigel Professor [email]
831 34207 Sturgeon Naomi Domestic Admissions Coordinator [email]
831 37406 Sumby Christopher Professor and Head of School [email]
831 36744 Szabo Claudia Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 37861 Tilley Wayne Director - Dame Roma Mitchell Cancer Res Lab [email]
831 33200 Toronjo-Urquiza Luis Discipline Lead for Bioprocess Eng. [email]
831 34277 Townsend Natalie Advancement Data and Analytics Lead [email]
831 33882 Truong Darlene Manager, Admissions & Scholarships [email]
831 39241 Tucker Matthew Interim Director, Waite Research Institute [email]
831 33114 Turner Renee Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 38398 Turner Tania School Business Manager [email]
831 36650 Vandeleur Rebecca P4S Node Coordinator [email]
831 32240 Virgara Ellie Manager, Procure to Pay [email]
0 8222 6000 Visvanathan Renuka Professor [email]
831 37502 Vrettis Grega Associate Director, Business Development [email]
0 0409692359 Walters Lucie Director [email]
831 36093 Warner Sarah Projects Manager [email]
831 31965 Watters Judith Business Systems Manager [email]
none registered Webb Michael Executive Director [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.