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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 37511 Marketing Marketing none registered [email]
none registered Web Team none registered Web Team [email]
831 34699 Grindlay Benjamin Chief Marketing Officer [email]
831 32847 Ganf Ross Director, Cultural and Campus Events [email]
831 30883 Head Anita Director, Marketing [email]
831 30717 Babadimas Nick Marketing Lead, Domestic [email]
831 30261 Drivas Nick Head of Brand and Reputation [email]
831 36381 Mesa Maria Head, Acquisition Marketing [email]
none registered Arbuckle Alice Product Specialist (SET) [email]
none registered Badzmierowski Brian Events Communications Coordinator [email]
831 37510 Best Richard Manager, Web Operations [email]
831 37564 Cain Naomi Senior Graphic Designer [email]
831 32951 Cervone Sarah Web & Digital Coordinator [email]
none registered Cinnamond Chelsea Marketing Communications Coordinator (SET) [email]
831 33839 Claire Chivell Graphic Designer [email]
831 30524 Clarke Sabina Web and Digital Coordinator [email]
831 35907 Coe Michelle Marketing Lead, Degree Finder and Publication [email]
831 33852 De Casto Danny Campaign Author [email]
831 32847 Dixon Jasmine Graphic Designer [email]
831 31768 Duncan Amy Production Coordinator [email]
831 34297 Fechner Claudia Events Officer, Faculty of SET [email]
831 34472 Fordham Belinda Head of Marketing Operations and Projects [email]
831 30342 Gardnir Adam Special Events Manager [email]
831 30515 Garzon Karen Marketing & Communications Coordinator [email]
831 30045 Glenn Elizabeth Brand Coordinator [email]
831 37511 Hart Melissa Administration Officer [email]
831 30495 Henley Rachel Digital Content Author [email]
831 30887 James Louise Lead, PACE Marketing [email]
831 30047 Jeavons Anna Copywriter [email]
831 30327 Jensen Neil Special Events Production Manager [email]
831 34032 Kecojevic Velibor Senior UI/UX Designer [email]
831 36664 Khoury Natalie Senior Events Coordinator [email]
831 33509 Lamb Geena Social Media Lead [email]
831 32571 Long Rosie Senior Event Communications Coordinator [email]
831 33171 Markos Victoria Web and Digital Coordinator [email]
831 30703 Matthews Sarah Senior Marketing Coordinator [email]
831 35875 McCafferty Dan Web and Digital Coordinator [email]
831 30515 McLean Carolyn Marketing & Comms Coord, International [email]
831 34851 Nelson Thomas Product Specialist (Health) [email]
none registered Nguyen Nhu-Y Digital Content & SEO Coordinator [email]
831 33036 Otero Borjas Manuel Senior Digital Producer [email]
none registered Overton-Frith Steph Performance and Optimisation Manager [email]
831 33132 Pardon Leila Event Officer, Cultural & Campus [email]
831 31065 Pole Caitlin Senior Events Coordinator [email]
none registered Primavera Emily Head of Digital Marketing [email]
831 33794 Pruett Charlotte Marketing Officer, Research & Innovation [email]
831 32713 Rattley Jessica Marketing Manager, International [email]
831 36316 Rees Kate Manager, Marketing (ABLE) [email]
831 33173 Rischmueller Kate Creative Manager [email]
none registered Seager Leah Social Media Officer [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.