Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences -- G

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
0 8832 2193 General Practice Fax Fax none registered none registered
831 30245 Gibson Rachel Head of School [email]
0 8222 8492 Gaget Virginie Grant Funded Researcher (B) [email]
0 8161 7619 Galbraith Leah Precinct Connect Officer [email]
0 8222 6740 Gallina Linda Research Administrator [email]
none registered Gao Yuan Research Assistant [email]
831 37961 Gardner Alison Senior Research Officer [email]
831 33225 Gardner Andrew Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34158 Gatford Kathryn Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 32453 Gecz Jozef Head Neurogenetics [email]
none registered Gembus Kelly Research Officer [email]
831 33122 George Emma Program Director Occupational Therapy [email]
831 30585 Gerrie Alexander Lecturer [email]
831 32895 Ghanbarzadegan Arash Adjunct Lecturer [email]
831 30962 Gialamas Angela Lecturer [email]
831 32060 Gilbert Jillian Lab Teaching Support Officer [email]
831 30234 Giles Lynne Associate Professor [email]
none registered Giles Maud Biobank Assistant [email]
0 8161 8428 Gilfillan Baruch Precinct Support Officer [email]
0 8128 4364 Gillis Joanna Research Officer [email]
831 32754 Gilmour Michael Senior Simulation Technician [email]
none registered Gleeson Cara Associate Lecturer - Physiotherapy [email]
0 7074 6048 Gnanamanickam Emmanuel Senior Research Fellow [email]
831 36216 Gniadek Zac School Business Manager [email]
0 8161 8638 Gold Michael Professor [email]
831 30265 Gonzalez Macarena NHMRC Grant-Funded Researchr A none registered
831 31631 Gonzalez-Chica David Associate Professor / Head of Research [email]
831 31631 Gonzalez-Chica David Associate Professor / Head of Research [email]
831 35989 Gordon Andrea Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8128 4349 Gordon Cass Biobank Assistant [email]
831 31049 Grave Ben Senior Lecturer [email]
831 37113 Gray Jennifer Director Oral Health Promotion Clearinghouse [email]
0 7074 2391 Gray Tim Clinical Lecturer [email]
831 33182 Green Deanne Lecturer [email]
none registered Grieger Jessica NHMRC Externally-Funded Research Fellow C [email]
831 36691 Grivell Jacqueline (Jacqui) Research Officer - CRE [email]
0 8222 7368 Grubor-Bauk Branka Externally-Funded Research Fellow (D) [email]
none registered Guglietti Bianca Lecturer [email]
831 32511 Gummow Jason Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
none registered Gabor Marian Grace Research Fellow [email]
831 34958 Gaskin Sharyn Associate Professor/Reader [email]
none registered Geiger Ashleigh Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
none registered Ghith Amna Jamal Saad Mohamed Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
831 31206 Gill Tiffany Grant-Funded Researcher (C) [email]
831 30152 Gomersall Judith Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
0 8128 4695 Gronthos Stan Emeritus Professor [email]
0 8161 6729 Gundsambuu Batjargal Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 32556 Guzzo Gina Post-doctoral Researcher [email]

The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.