Division of University Operations -- L

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
+61 8 8313 4667 Legal and Risk Fax none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 5033 Lauber Caroline Executive Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 6730 Lawrence Tyler Project Manager [email]
+61 8 8313 0375 Lomman Ben Finance Manager (DRI) [email]
+61 8 8313 7097 Larsen Mark Solution Architect [email]
+61 8 8313 4360 Lehman Rebecca IT Gov & Admin Officer [email]
none registered Lewis Craig HSW Officer [email]
none registered Li Mengyu Developer [email]
+61 8 8313 4266 Li Wenting - Ting Assistant Accountant [email]
+61 8 8313 3000 Liang Claire Tech Crew Specialist [email]
+61 8 8313 4293 Liao Vicky Business Intelligence Analyst [email]
none registered Lien Phillip Tech Crew Specialist [email]
+61 8 8313 2859 Liu Stefanie Management Accountant [email]
+61 8 8313 2226 Lo Candice Financial Accountant [email]
+61 8 8313 9845 LoBasso Marianna Accounts Payable Officer [email]
none registered Lorincz Brooke Health, Safety and Wellbeing Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 3010 Louros Nicholas Team Leader, Management Reporting & Analysis [email]
+61 8 8313 5014 Lovison Pam Assistant Accountant [email]
+61 8 8313 1472 Lucas Jeremy Manager, Continuity [email]
none registered Lyle Victoria ITDS Senior Communications Specialist [email]

The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.