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Evolution, Molecular Phylogenetics, Palaeontology

 We use molecular approaches, comparative anatomy, and the fossil record to understand major evolutionary events, such as adaptive radiations and major anatomical transitions. Reptiles, especially Australian lizards and snakes, are our study organisms of choice.

Our research group uses multidisciplinary approaches to understand major evolutionary events - this includes molecular phylogenetics, anatomy, and the fossil record. Our group interacts with the Molecular Biology labs (Evolutionary Biology Unit), the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), and the Earth Sciences Section of the SA museum. Most students and postdocs are also affiliated with one or more of these groups and benefit from the multidisciplinary perspective.

Major Projects

  1. Snake origins & evolution
  2. Biodiversity, phylogeny and evolution of Australian reptiles
  3. Phylogenetic methodology, including morphological and molecular analyses, & molecular clocks
  4. The "Cambrian explosion"
Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology And Biodiversity
The School of Biological Sciences
The University of Adelaide
SA 5005 Australia

T: +61 8 8313 5352
F: +61 8 8313 4362