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Harry Lander

MSS 0105


Dr Harry Lander graduated with a MBBS from the University of Adelaide in 1952, and gained his membership (1958) and subsequently his fellowship (1965) of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

He was a member of the University of Adelaide’s Department of Medicine at Royal Adelaide Hospital over 40 years, becoming honorary assistant physician (1959-70) to the late professors HN Robson and DJ Deller. His university status ranged through a senior lectureship, reader and a professorship.

Among his achievements were his involvement in the investigation of disease on Kuru, New Guinea, as well as leading the haematology department in the University of California where he was involved in an early bone marrow transplant program.

Lander also made an extremely important contribution to patent services at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where he designed the layout, provision and purchase of equipment for the Department of Nuclear Medicine. He would later go on to take over the deanship of the Fiji School of Medicine for four years.

Harry Lander died on the 30th of December 1998.

Adapted from the Adelaidean, 19 March 1999.


Files that include confidential patient information have been removed.

Series 1: Correspondence

Correspondence is sorted into date order per year, ongoing and related letters have been clipped together and sorted by the date on the first letter.

Series 1.1: Correspondence over 1950-1989, arranged by subject.

Box 1

Anaemia. Copies of newsletters from the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine. 1974.

Asian Pacific Society of Haematology. Regarding membership and talks and conferences. 1964-1971

Australia and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Conference 1971. Includes documentation regarding conference.

Course in new scientific techniques and developments in medicine. Also includes lecture programmes and timetables. 1959-1967.

Carnegie. Also includes application regarding an unsuccessful application for a travel grant to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. 1964.

Division of Nuclear Medicine. Also includes reports and submissions regarding the development of a division on Nuclear Medicine at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science. 1967-1971

Fullbright, scholarships and fellowships. Regarding successful application for a travel grant to the USA. 1964-1965.

  • Also includes a secondary folder of correspondence with Doctors at the Boston City Hospital during this time, regarding a potential visit and some research advice. 1964-1965.
  • Also regarding Harry Landers comments on an application for a travel grant to the USA for Dr R.M. Lowenthal. 1978.

Haematology Course – 1967. Also includes suggested timetable for the course. 1976 – 1981. 5 items.

Haematology Society of Australia. 1965-1971.

National Heart Foundation, 1962 – 1971

Nuclear Medicine Meeting. 1969. Also includes notes regarding the organisation of the Nuclear Medicine Seminar, 1969. 1968-1969.

Royal Australian College of Physicians. Also includes some pages of material relating to the RACP annual general meetings. 1957-1961.

University – Personal. Also includes medical advice, congratulations on articles published and regarding travel to the UK and USA. 1966-1983.

1.2. General Correspondence by decade


Includes correspondence on and regarding; Lander joining the University of Adelaide, Department of Pathology; medical advice and research; visit to the United Kingdom; Royal Australian College of Physicians; University of Adelaide staff appointments.

Box 2: 1960-1969

Includes correspondence on and regarding: medical research and studies; patient treatments; medical advice; clinical matters; equipment purchases; University matters; Nuclear Medicine; Study Leave; overseas travel.

Box 3: 1970

Includes correspondence on and regarding: Conferences and workshops, Nuclear Medicine; overseas travel; documentation regarding issues with the supply of patients for clinical teaching; pharmacology; teaching; medical matters; University matters.

Box 4: 1980

Organ Transplantation in Man. 1980-1982. Correspondence, papers and other related documentation regarding a symposium on Organ Transplantation in Man. Kept in Dr Lander’s original order.

Series 2: Subject files. Folders on specific subjects. Primarily; correspondence and research material.

Box 5

Acne Vulgaris. Copies of papers by others.

Acute Haemorrhagic Leucoencephalitis (1 and 2) Includes literature reviews and papers

Adelaide Haematology Group. Also includes meeting agendas for First, Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth meetings. 1983.

Anti-Cancer foundation. Also includes Research grant information, applications for grants from individuals.

Aplastic Anaemia.

Associate Diploma of Medical Nucleography RMIT and centralised training scheme. 1971-1974. Also includes Course outlines and related course information.

Australasian germ cell neoplasm trial. Trial documentation.

Australian Medical Foundation. Documentation regarding workshop “Radiation controls in uranium mining” August 21st – 25th 1972.

Australian Society for Medical Research. Also newsletters and organisation documents.

Australian Society of Medical Research. Also includes meeting notes, abstracts and papers presented to meetings by Lander and others. 1963.

Australian Society of Medical Research. Also includes newsletters and related source documentation/papers. 1984 and 1969.

Australian Society of Nuclear Medicine. Also includes meeting notes regarding the ACNM, including attendees of the inaugural meeting and constitution. 1969.

Australia and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine.

  • 1970. Constitution, correspondence, AGM minutes
  • 1970-1972. Minutes, meeting notes and related documentation. Some correspondence.
  • 1971. Notes and related documentation. Some correspondence.
  • 1972, 1973. Notes and related documentation. Some correspondence.
  • 1974. Notes and related documentation. Some correspondence.

Box 6

Bone Marrow Transplantation. Also includes papers, notes

Box 7

Baker-Hughes Tube. Correspondence and paper

Book reviews. Correspondence related to.

Burke Denis. Correspondence with; also paper on ‘New and Different Emotions’ by Burke.

Central Districts Hospital. Regarding clinical review, 1984.

Clinical Oncology Society of Australia. Regarding membership.

Disseminated Extra-Vascular Haemolysis.

Diabetes paper. By others

Diet and Health of Aboriginals in South Australia. Article.

Diseases of the Breast and Gallbladder. Includes notes, some clinical graphs.

Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisors. (University of Adelaide) Includes drafts of ‘Guide to Duties…’


Gastro-Intestinal biopsy instruments. Copy of a paper by Lander

Gastro-Intestinal tubes.

Haematology Unit. Regarding restructure of University of Adelaide Haematology Unit. 1982.

Hair and Arsenic. Also includes project notes.

Harkness Foundation

Hutchinson Hospital Inc. Also includes meeting minutes, staff applications, procedure guidelines, staff lists. 1983-1984

Kuru. Includes: Correspondence, papers, research and some photographs.

Box 8

L-Dopa. Correspondence and notes re: import of L-Dopa from Japan.

Laetrile. Papers by others, also includes government guidelines for prescription.

Leverhulme. Lander’s application for the Leverhulme fellowship.

Medical Travellers. Papers

Medical practice in South Australia. Includes notes and papers by Lander.

Milan Brych. Correspondence about.

National Heart Foundation. 1961.  Regarding application for Grant-in-Aid.

N.H.F Reports. Correspondence.

Non-invasive medical imaging. Regarding creation of journal.

Nuclear Medicine – French Nuclear tests. Includes Peace Media news.

Nuclear Medicine Papers. Includes article submissions by Lander.

Other. Miscellaneous correspondence, notes and articles

Other Organisations

  • AMA (Australian Medical Association) Correspondence. 1979
  • ANZAAS (Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science). Re: Jubilee ANZAAS Congress 1980. Includes paper abstracts.
  • Austin Drug Education Committee. Correspondence re carcinoma drugs and their adverse effects. 
  • Commonwealth Department of Health. 1980-81.
  • IMVS. Regarding Landers appointment as consultant physician/medical specialist in Nuclear Medicine. 1977-1983
  • Medical board of SA. Policy on prescribing irregularities and related drug matters.
  • Medical Manpower. Also includes notes on amount of medical practitioners in SA. 1978

Perth Visit. Also includes notes regarding a visit to Perth Hospital to discuss organ transplants

Photos and charts. Photographs and graphs collected for research and publication.

Physics in Medicine and Biology. Also includes Meeting notes and programmes for the Physics in Medicine and Biology conference.

Box 9

Platelets – ADP. Papers written by Lander.

Platelet Aggregation. Also includes notes, medical imaging graphs.

Platelets – Anticoagulant solutions. Also includes article drafts, clinical graphs, notes etc

Platelets – Articles by others.

Platelets - Ascorbic Acid in Normal Subjects. Also includes draft paper and notes, photographs, figures etc for publication

Platelets - Fate of. Includes correspondence re: article submission

Platelets - Heated. Includes draft articles by Lander

Box 10

Platelet Papers presented.

Platelet Papers submitted to publications

Platelet Survival. Includes articles by Lander and others, notes.

Pseudo Bartter’s Syndrome. Includes papers by others

Pulmonary Embolism. Also includes papers and reviews

Pulmonary Thromboembolism in Man. Also includes papers and notes.

Box 11

Radiopharmaceuticals. Also includes notes

Ramaciotti Foundation.

Red Cells – heated. Also includes notes, papers by others

Refsum’s Syndrome. Also includes papers, research notes, some correspondence

Reorganisation of Medical Clinics. Royal Adelaide Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Also includes notes and drafts.

Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Royal Adelaide Hospital. Staffing - Honourary Staff 1969-1972.

Scintiphotography and rectilinear scanning of the lung… Includes paper and review.

Box 12

Sheep  - Survivals. Also includes notes, research, papers by others, graphs

Sintrom - Reprints. Includes papers and notes

South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association Incorporated. Also includes meeting agendas and minutes. Some correspondence 1979-1983

Temporal Arteritis. Papers by Lander and others

The pattern of Erythrocyte Destruction in Haemolytic Syndromes. Paper by Lander and research notes

Transplants. Articles by others

Visitors. Correspondence with and regarding visiting doctors. Includes folder on Dr. David Golde - correspondence with and regarding Golde, articles by Golde. Also includes a copy of Golde’s Curriculum Vitae

World Health Organisation. Regarding the World Health Organisation Research Worker Exchange Fellowship and general correspondence from 1964-1968.

Listed by
Marie Larsen
August 2020

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