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John Brine (1935-2012)

MSS 0143

Biographical Note

John Brine, undated.Dr John Brine was born in Melbourne in 1935. He obtained the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Melbourne in 1960. By 1961 he had completed a Diploma in Town and Regional Planning, followed by a Master of Town and Regional Planning in 1967, also from the University of Melbourne. In 1969, John was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Edinburgh, U.K.

Between 1960 and 1967, John worked as a partner in the firm of architects and town planners, Brine Wierzbo Associates, in Melbourne where he consulted with municipalities and shires on planning matters in metropolitan Melbourne and Launceston. He also took part in planning appeals related to zoning, building density and open space planning.

From 1967 to 1972, John was a member of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning in the University of Edinburgh, where his research involved travelling throughout Britain, Europe and Scandinavia. He became widely acquainted with recent trends in retailing and the provision of civic facilities in developing communities.

From 1972, John's position as Reader, Department of Architecture and Planning, at the University of Adelaide, saw him take responsibility for the development of the postgraduate programme in urban and regional planning, teaching and research. Research projects undertaken by the programme included contract research for the National Capital Development Commission, the South Australian Housing Trust, the Australian Institute of Urban Studies and the Adelaide City Council.

In 1962, John became a member of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and in 1971 was elected to a Fellowship of the R.A.I.A. He was also a member of the Royal Australian Planning Institute and the Royal Town Planning Institute.

This collection of papers was transferred to Rare Books and Special Collections from the University of Adelaide's Architecture Department in 2010.


Contents Listing

Series 1: Biographical (1973-1976)

Two copies of curriculum vitae; personal statement outlining study, career and membership history which is attached to an appeal regarding a town centre for the City of Berwick; invitation to witness the opening of the City of Adelaide Planning Centre, invitations from the Adelaide Lord Mayer, Robert Clampett, to accompany him to the Town Hall to witness the John Martin's Christmas Pageant and to meet Lim Chong Eu, Chief Minister of Penang; letter from D.P. Michelmore acknowledging Brine's resignation from the Environment and Urban Development Committee.

Series 2: Correspondence

2.1 Correspondence with individuals (alphabetical)

Eva Aker (1972-1976)
Letters re employment postings, including reference from Brine regarding geography tutor position at Flinders University and letter of offer for tutor position in Master of Town Planning (M.T.P.) course at Adelaide University.

Patricia Apps (1973-1974)
Letters primarily re visit to Adelaide University for seminar with architectural staff and M.T.P. students.

R.D. Bakewell (1973-1975)
Correspondence re M.T.P. course, including letter from S. Briton-Jones regarding Board approval of study assistance. Also includes "Talk on the city of Adelaide Development Committee to the business luncheon by Mr. R.D. Bakewell, Permanent Head, S.A. Premier's Dept.", 1975

Ian Barwick (1973-1974)
Letters re Landscape Design course, including: proposed sequence of lectures; copies of suggested reading list; first term essay question; list of landscape architecture worth visiting.

Michael Bowering (1973-1977)
Correspondence re programme of lectures for the "Law in Relation to Planning" subject delivered to postgraduate M.T.P. students.

Commissioner Stroma Buttrose (1973-1977)
Correspondence re talk to M.T.P. students on the operation of the Planning Appeal Board, including transcribed copies of the talk and news article "High post for woman planner", S. Cockburn, source unknown.

Bernard Coates (1973-1975)
Budgetary information regarding South Australian Housing Trust (S.A.H.T.) grant for Aboriginal housing research project, including letters of application, recommendation and appointment of Coates as Research Assistant for project.

Serge Domicelj (1973-1976)
Letters to Shean McConnell, Head of Planning at London Polytechnic, regarding his visit to Adelaide and his lecture on industrial development policies in Britain. Also includes letter from Serge to Brine re Education Committee's decision not to take on any Planning students in 1977 and to remove Planning from the School of Architecture and Planning, placing it under control of a separate Board.

William (Bill) Gould (1974-1978)
Correspondence primarily between Gould, Brine and Adelaide University Vice Chancellor, G.M. Badger, re the U.R.G Fund and it application to postgraduate research expenditure, particularly with regard to student use of University notepaper.

Stuart Hart (1968-1977)
Correspondence between Hart, Director of Planning, State Planning Office, S.A. and Brine regarding receipt of the Metropolitan Development Plan Report. Also includes reprints of Hart's article "Regional Planning in South Australia", Royal Aust. Planning Institute Journal, 1972; list of planning publications and leaflet describing proposed route of the Heysen Trail, S.A. State Planning Office, 1971; copies of Planning News, Dec 1968-Dec 1971 and S.A. State Planning Authority annual reports, 1967-1970.

Walter Jamieson (1974-1976)
Application, including resume, and letters of appointment acceptance and subsequent decline for Senior Teaching Fellow position in the Dept. of Architecture, Adelaide University. Airmail letters regarding cost of relocation, visa application process and uncertainty around the length of appointment.

Murray McCaskill ( 1972-1973)
Letter re visit to Flinders University and copy of 1973 Calendar Syllabus for discipline of Geography.

Tom McKenna (1973-1975)
Correspondence re David Brodeur's application for corporate membership of the Royal Australian Planning Institute; letters re examination of Malcolm Hardy's planning thesis; general information for students and examiners regarding the planning for and marking of theses.

Pita Nacuva (1977-1978)
Letters re Fijian student participation, in particular Dhirendra Singh, in the Adelaide University's post-graduate programme in urban and regional planning.

Vernon Newcombe (1973-1978)
List of 1976 Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Visiting Professor nominees, including copy of Newcombe's curriculum vitae; general correspondence re proposed changes to structure of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning programme.

Maria-Olivia Ortuzar (1975-1976)
Offer of employment as part-time Resource Assistant in M.T.P. programme; memo from Funding Sub-Committee Chairman to Registrar regarding cessation of Ortuzar's employment.

Santiago Ortuzar (1967-1977)
Application, including curriculum vitae and list of publications, for promotion to Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Architecture and Planning, Adelaide University; memo from Brine to Chairman, John Hipper, recommending Ortuzar for promotion; copy of Ortuzar's paper "Urbanisation and metropolisation in South America; advertisement and correspondence, particularly air mail letters, re Lecturer (Town Planning) in Architecture position at Adelaide University.

David Saunders (1971-1974)
General correspondence; Edinburgh University application nominating Saunders for Commonwealth Visiting Professorship tenable in Britain. Includes copy of curriculum vitae.

John Thornley (1976-1977)
Letter of acceptance of Senior Teaching Fellow position in Dept. of Architecture and Planning, Adelaide University; correspondence re membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute; copy of proposed research problem "The effects of change in economic conditions on recreation behaviour in Adelaide: development of a predictive model".

Brian Turner (1975-1977)
General correspondence re future developments in planning education at Adelaide University.

Neill Wallman (1975-1978)
Brief letters re contribution to the teaching of the planning programme at Adelaide University.

Martyn Webb (1974-1977)
Letters re visit to Adelaide University to meet with postgraduate planning students to discuss current research projects, including the Urban and Regional Planning Research Register, publication of occasional papers, incentives for city living and a literature review on the design and function of cycleways.


2.2 Correspondence - Individuals (primarily external to the University of Adelaide).  Five folders of brief letters ordered alphabetically by correspondent surname.

A-C - includes Ezrin Arbi, G.M. Badger, E.S. Barnes, Ben Bayer, Stafford Beer, Ian Berriman, T.H. Bolton, David Boyd, Judith Brine, Tony Brine, Neil Burdess, I.H. Burnley, Graham Burns, D. Cameron, Geoff Campbell, Bob Cannon, Jot Carpenter, Bob Cheesman, Derek Chugg, Peter Clarke, Graham Cleary, Claire Cockburn, Daryl Cockburn, Ron Coldicutt, Jocelyn Colleran, Conservation Council of S.A., Countryside Commission, G.F. Craig, Walter Crocker, Gil Currie

D-F - includes D.R. Daines, John Dallwitz and Ronald Danvers, F.A. Davis, M.V. Davis, Peter Davis, Mark Dawson, R.A. Day, Deborah Dearing, Rob Dempsey, Gerald Dix, Walter Dobkins, David Donnison, G. Duncan, G.D. Edgecombe, Catherine Ellis, Tim Eltham, Environment Housing and Community Development Dept., Wendy Etherington, Jan Fladmark, A.J. Fischer, Colin Fisher, John Fookes, P.J. Ford, Wally Forrest, K.R. Forsey, Clive Forster, Stan Fox, George Franklin

G-L - includes J.R. Garratt, Michael Gerner, John Gibbons, P.C. Gillen, Barry Grear, David Harman, Isabel G. Harris, Geoff Harrison, Peter Harrison, Peter Hignett, Mayer Hillman, Max Hipkins, Peter Hirst, Jack Hoadley, Ivan Holliday, Ray Holliday, Susan Hoppe, John L. Hull, James Hullick, Geoff Inglis, I.D.A. Ireland, Zig Kapelis, Bruce Kapferer, Lewis Keeble, Ross King, Otto Koenigsberger, Caralyn Latta, Sam Law, Colin Lawton, Fred Ledgar, Brian Lewis, Lim Poh Tin, George Liptak, Michael Llewellyn-Smith, Paul Lloyd (Editor?, The Advertiser), Andrew Lothian

M-R - includes Macarthur Development Board, Umesh Malla, John Mant, Doug March, Gerald McCalden, Howard McCorkell, Deborah McCulloch, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works, Ross Miller, Clive Moore, P. Morris, Ian Morison, F.P. Morton, B.W. Muncey, Tim Murrell, D. Nelson, M.Neutze, Ed Noack, Peter Rae, A.M. Ramsay, I.D. Raymond, Garth Rawlins, Prakasa Rao, Philip Rhodes, J. Richmond, Leo Rivett, John Robins, John Roche (Lord Mayor Adelaide), Judge John H. Roder, Les Rowell, Chris Ruediger, R.W.R. Rutland

S-Z - includes Brian Samuels, Mike Sawyer, David Scott, Bob Scrymgour, George Seddon, Settlement Study Centre (Israel), P. Sharma; R.C. Sharman, A.E. Shields, Arnis Siksna, South West Advisory Committee, F. Smargiassi, Gillian Snowball, Wylys Span, Doug Speechley, Martin Spitzer, Ralph Stanton, A. Stasiukynas, Harry Stein, Donald Stranks, Hugh Stretton, Suhardjo Djojo Suparmo, Djoko Sujarto, Bert Surmon, George Sved. Ken Taeuber, Tasmanian South West Advisory Committee, Stefan Thiersch, Keith Thomas, John Thornley, M.J. Toohey, Tony Travis, John Tregenza, Pat Troy, P. Turnbull, Jose Villegas, Harry Wallace, Rob A. Watt, Susan Young, R. Yuen (Dept. for Community Welfare)


2.3 Correspondence - University Departments

University of Adelaide - Advisory Centre for University Education (A.C.U.E)
Letters primarily to William Hall, Director A.C.U.E, re meetings aimed at facilitating communication and improving teaching methods, 1976; copy of Brine's comments on his experience of the A.C.U.E, 1978; memo to R.A. Cannon re communication with part-time students, 1976; copy of standard questionnaire issued to students after a lecture/series of lectures, 1976; A.C.U.E seminar notes on teaching and learning in graduate education, 1978.

University of Adelaide - Anthropology Department
Master of Town Planning (M.T.P.) list of participants, 1975; Anthropology and Sociology of Urban Areas course summary, 1975; project brief for M.T.P course, 1975; letter recommending visit of lecturer David McKnight, 1975 and memo from B. Kapferer, Chairman of Anthropology Dept., to I. Leggoe, Information Officer Town Planning Dept., re presentations by Robert Zehner, Research Assistant at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, 1975.

University of Adelaide - Geography Department
Correspondence in relation to the Adelaide Social Atlas (A.S.A.) research project, including letter from Michael Williams, Reader in Geography, re the Cities Commission brief and the proposed contractual arrangements for the A.S.A.; minutes of meeting re Cities Commission brief, 1975.

University of Adelaide - Office of the Academic Registrar
Correspondence re the M.T.P. programme generally, including letter to H.E. Wesley Smith, Academic Registrar, regarding guidelines for the Master of Urban and Regional Planning (M.U.R.P.) thesis, 1975; letter to K. Halliday re arrangement for status for students transferring from M.T.P. to the M.U.R.P degree, 1975; list of preliminary reading materials for M.T.P degree, 1975; list of subject enrolment codes for each programme, including the proportion of the year's work which each subject constitutes, 1975; copy of regulations and proposed amendments to the regulations for the M.T.P. degree and letter to P.S. Henry, Dept. of Foreign Affairs, re applications from overseas candidates to study the M.T.P. programme, 1975.

University of Adelaide - General
Letters, memos and brochures principally re postgraduate course awards, including Australian Dept. of Education postgraduate course and research awards booklets, 1976; eligibility, tenure and benefits information about the Commonwealth Postgraduate Course and Research Awards, 1976-77; copies of M.T.P. course outline for inclusion in Dept. of Education handbook, 1975; list of candidates who applied for M.U.R.P. course awards, 1975; order-of-merit list for selection of 1976 course awards; Dept. of Education selection committee approval for 1976 awards. Also, letters re Social Welfare Commission's establishment of a Fellowship in Welfare Studies; Transport Scholarships Committee's grant for its 1975 scholarships programme; letters to Chairman of Restorative Dentistry re Brine's contribution to the department's lecture series, 1977; correspondence re Architecture and Town Planning consulting fund; copy of Vice-Chancellor's (G.M. Badger) "Submission to the Academic Salaries Tribunal", 1975.

University of Edinburgh - Urban Design and Regional Planning Department
Letters to Jan Fladmark re senior teaching fellow position at Adelaide University, 1974-75; letters of recommendation for both Rodney Lawrence and Alan Faunt in support of their applications to study in the Dept. of Urban Design and Regional Planning, 1973; leaflets describing University of Edinburgh's diploma and graduate diploma in urban design and regional planning, 1974; copy of "Programme in planning studies (developing countries)" progress report, 1973-74.

International Universities - General
General letters primarily regarding postgraduate programmes in urban and regional planning with universities including: Case Western Reserve University, The Open University, University College London, Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Birmingham University and University of Waikato, New Zealand, 1973-75.


2.4 Correspondence - Organisations/Agencies

National Capital Development Commission (NCDC)
Re vacation employment of students in the Town Planning Division of NCDC, 1977; academic staff attendance at information seminars at NCDC in Canberra, 1975.

Torrens College of Advanced Education
Re proposal to introduce post-graduate diploma in inter-disciplinary studies, including invitations to serve on advisory committee for inter-disciplinary studies and background information on the structure of the course, 1974.

Australian Development Assistance Agency
General correspondence about the town planning programme and its students, including letters re grants-in-aid for Commonwealth sponsored overseas students, 1973-1977.

Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
Copies of RTPI Library reading lists on "Pedestrianisation"," Urban Renewal" and "Evaluation in Planning", undated but (1974?); outline of Adelaide University's M.U.R.P degree programmes and assessment arrangements, 1976; blank copy of RTPI application for election to membership form. Also includes copy of RTPI Education Committee report EC73/7 and related correspondence on the recognition of planning courses outside of Britain, 1972-1975.


2.5 Correspondence - Subject

Civic Trust of South Australia Awards
Correspondence re the Civic Trust of South Australia Awards for Good Design, including copy of press release, list of nominations received, arrangements for meetings of the award jury and details of the format of the awards ceremony at Burnside, 1974-1975.

Master of Urban and Regional Planning (General)
Correspondence re M.U.R.P. students' excursion to Alice Springs; list of names and positions held of recipients of the M.T.P/M.U.R.P. degree; copies of "Innovations in teaching styles and approaches based upon adult learning" by Malcolm Knowles; prospective student's letter of complaint to Brine, referred to Academic Registrar, re withdrawal of University funding for part-time positions in the M.U.R.P degree; copy of detailed programme bibliography, 1973-1976.

Master of Town Planning (Programme)
Correspondence primarily with potential guest lecturers in the M.T.P course; copy of 1967 course timetable, including syllabus of lectures and seminars on transportation; lists of 1975 M.T.P. programme enrolments and participants; list of proposed subjects to be offered between 1973-1978; lists of schemes A and B and part-time applications; copy of 1973 talk on water pollution control in S.A., author unknown; copy of Harold Beaney's (?) 1973 talk on water supply in S.A.

Master of Town Planning (Staff Development)
Letters and notes re teaching grants and staff development in the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, including copy of Rolf Jensen's request to the Registrar for additional academic and administrative staff, 1973; office equipment and reference material purchase suggestions, 1973; M.T.P. programme teaching grant estimates, 1975; letter from Rolf Jensen to the Registrar re staff to student ratios for 1975; copy of "Provisional calculations of departmental maintenance allocations", 1975; draft copy of Brine's "Report on professional competence", 1977.

Re Melbourne University students Dept. of Town and Regional Planning magazine POLIS, including correspondence about article submission and subscription to the magazine, 1975-1977.

Royal Town Planning Institute Journal
Copy of RTPI News, Spring 1976; general correspondence re submission to and publication of articles in RTPI journal; invitations to Brine to be guest editor for a series of articles, 1974; handwritten copy of Brine's (?) article "Planning and Housing in Australia", undated; copy of David Yencken's article "Candide in Australia" for submission to RTPI journal, 1975; copy of Victor Jennings curriculum vitae, 1975.

Urban and Regional Planning Research Register (General)
General correspondence, primarily from Research Assistant, Jane Young-Anglim, re the Planning Register and its progress. Includes copy of S.A. Institute of Technology's invitation to Brine to join the advisory panel of the Register, notes about the Register's purpose and a list of advisory panel members, 1974-1975.

Urban and Regional Planning Register (Financial)
General correspondence re future funding of the Register, including Brine's appeal to the Vice Chancellor regarding an unemployment relief grant for a research worker and letter of thanks to R. Bakewell, Permanent Head of Premier's Department, for receipt of State Government's $8,000 research grant. Also includes list of groups/individuals to be approached re joining the Register's advisory panel, 1974-1978.


Series 3: Research

Various notes and data associated with preparation of the Urban and Regional Planning Research Register progress report; multiple draft copies and final copy of "Urban and Regional Planning Register Progress Report", Sept. 1975 by Jane Young-Anglim.


Series 4: Publications

Bound copy of "North East Area Public Transport Review" community file, containing study description and outline, news reports, synopsis papers and working papers, Director General of Transport, 1976.


Series 5: Newspaper Articles

Advertisement for Temporary Research Assistant, 1976, source unknown; advertisement for applications to the Urban and Regional Town Planning course, 1974(?), source unknown; copies of articles: "More money needed to improve mental health", "Privacy in any Bill is hard word to define", "More women should be engage in public life" and "Lifting the quality of work life is the aim", all undated, source unknown. Also includes typewritten copy of "View Point" by Brine on the aesthetics of North Terrace and the need to reduce the flow of its traffic, undated.

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