Gostin, Victor
MSS 0242
Victor Gostin is a retired Associate Professor and Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Adelaide, S.A. Victor lectured in earth sciences at the University from 1970 to 2001.
In 1985 he discovered a deposit of volcanic material found in Flinders Ranges of South Australia that was ejected from the 300-kilometre distant Acraman crater (located in the Gawler Ranges) when the impact was created by a meteorite approximately 580 million years ago. Gostin remarked that his discovery "was the first known occurrence of far-flung ejected blocks of impact origin that have been preserved on earth."
As a result of his this work he has been honoured by having an asteroid named after him (Main-belt asteroid 3640 Gostin, discovered by Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker at the Palomar Observatory).
Papers deposited by Professor Victor Gostin in 2019.
Contents Summary
Series 1: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 29
Series 2: Acraman Asteroid Impact
Series 1: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 29
One of the objectives of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP Leg 29) was to determine the evolution of the Circum-Antarctic Current south of Australia and New Zealand, and to decipher its effect on Cenozoic deep-sea sedimentation in the Southern and South Pacific oceans.
The Circum-Antarctic Current is of great oceanographic and climatic important because it transports more than 200 x 106 cubic meters of water per second, probably the largest volume transport of any ocean current. Furthermore, the Circum-Antarctic Current circulates completely around the Antarctic continent and is the only current that mixes the waters of all oceans. High velocity flow in the surface waters of the Southern Ocean extends to the sea floor with relatively small attenuation (Gordon, 1973), providing erosive capabilities which have important geological implications because the current system has shown dynamic changes in the past.
The combined effects of plate tectonic movements at high southern latitudes and Antarctic glacial development during the last 60m.y. (almost the entire Cenozoic) have led for the formation of the present Circum-Antarctic Current. Initial development of the Circum-Antarctic Current resulted from the opening of the final constricting region south of Australia.
Box 1
- Folder of biographical information
- Brown notebook. Begins February 24th 1973.
- Folder containing 12 print outs of D.S.D.P – Log #22 (Ninety East Ridge) science papers
- Folder containing Stan White’s Leg #29 manuscript for review and comment by Vic.
Box 2
- Various science papers on the project and related subjects, including Deep Sea Carbonates; deposition and diagenesis.
Box 3 (Oversize)
- Blue box of Kodak transparencies – images of activities aboard Glomar Challenger, general views of Christchurch, New Zealand, and excursion to Arthur’s Pass, Motunau Beach, coring activities on ship, core, geological slides and maps. (Also: “Ocean Digger” in Gulf of St. Vincent during survey); logging core.
- 1 plastic sampling cup
- Yellow Kodak box with geological slide specimen of basement rock for the South Tasman Rise
- Black plastic box of geological slides (thin sections)
- Three tan folders containing geological this sections
- Cardboard box of geological this sections and small file bottles
- Black and White photograph – D.S.D.P. Leg #29 “Roaring Forties”
- Hard copy: “Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project Volume # XXIX. Lyttelton, New Zealand to Wellington, March – April 1973. National Science Foundation, National Ocean Sediment Coring Program. January 1975.
Series 2: Acraman Asteroid Impact
The Acraman-Bunteroo asteroid research program in the Department of Earth Sciences commenced with the discovery of the asteroid impact structure (Lake Acraman, Eyre Peninsula, S.A.) by Dr George Williams (Williams, 1986) and was subsequently by the discovery of impact ejecta from this event in the Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Flinders Ranges, by Dr Victor Gostin (Gostin, et al., 1986). This research resulted in over 25 papers and conference abstracts, and was acknowledge internationally by the naming of asteroids after Dr William (3700GEOWILLAIMS and Dr Gostin (3640GOSTIN)
Box 4
- Acraman Research Funding
- Bunyeroo – Acraman Historial
- Zircon papers: Compston et all. 1987
- Science Article: July 11th 1986. Vol. 233, pp.198-200 “Impact Ejecta Horizon within Late Precambrian Shales, Adelaide Geosyncline, S. Australia, Impact Geochem.
- Diagenetic Enrichment – Wallace et all.
- Personal File
- Impacts and Consequences
- Giant Impacts
- High velocity impacts (computer simulation)
- “Crater” Murray-Sunset Vic. John Cooke
- Cosmic Impact Effects in Distal Ejecta – Flinders Ranges. 1995 & 1994 - Grant Applications
- Correspondence. Between Vic Gostic and Reid Keays
- Ejecta – Geochem – Reid Keays
- National Research Fellow – Impacts
Box 5
- “Science” 1986 – original articles
- Acraman/Bunteroo impact – letters and notes
- Original “Science” articles, includes correspondence and comments by Ray Crawford.
- “Nature” and “Geology” articles – 1989
- Meteorite Chemistry
- “Flindersites” paper. 1995.
- Miscellaneous notes, articles etc
- 1995 ARC report
- ARC Impact 1990-1993
- URG Impact Research 1987 and 1988.
Listed by Marie Larsen
Additions added