Middleton, Thomas
Papers collected by Alan Brissenden
MSS 822 M62ch.BZ
[A chaste maid in Cheapside] Manuscript, proof copies, correspondence and photocopies of the original texts used by Alan Brissenden for his edited version of 1968.
8 items in box.
- Folder of correspondence re publication. Primarily between Alan Brissenden and others. 1965-1974. 74 items. Detailed list available.
- Typescript of text (303 p.) correspondence.(4 p.)
- Annotated versions of galley proofs (31 p.)
- As above (30 p.)
- Uncorrected proof copy. London, Ernest Benn Limited (103 p.)
- Photocopies of three versions of the (Anal) Francis Constable edition of 1630, used for comparisons. (In ring binder with handwritten inserts throughout 151 p.)
- As above (71 p.)
- As above (71 p.)
- Folder of photocopies of newspaper articles related to 'A Chaste Maid...' theatre performances (29 p.)