Basil Cameron Rennie (1920-1996)
Papers 1885-1990
MSS 0055
Contents Listing
1. Lecture notes on Quantum mechanics, Peterhouse, 1940-41, lecturer Prof. Dirac. 1 v.
2. Published articles/contributions by B.C. Rennie, 1951-90. 35 items.
3. Notes for paper published as On the strength of sand (1959), with related correspondence with A.K. Parkin. 2 cm.
4. Unpublished papers (typescript). 1969 and undated. 4 items.
[Duality among electrical circuits; Circuits made of diodes; Active and passive electronic components; On the moment problem]
5. Correspondence with R.S. Capon 1944-67, including on his role in the introduction of pattern bombing; with copies of papers by Capon and notes and background material (patents, photographs) relating to improvements in aircraft design within the Ministry of Aircraft (c.1922-38). 2 cm.
6. Correspondence with Prof. R.A. Lyttleton, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, 1988-94, and copies of communications by Lyttleton in the Journal of the British Astronomical Association and other journals. 2 cm.
7. Notes for design of a sculling pair, together with letter of R. Harrop re Rennie's note 'A logical approach to the study of 'Style' in rowing', 1951, papers on Wave resistance by Garrett Birkhoff et al and correspondence with Hector Towns of Geo. Towns & Sons (Manufacturers of Oars, Sweeps, Sculls and Paddles) 1954 and 1966-67. 2 cm.
8. Photograph of Prof. Rennie in academic gown, 1966. 1 item.
9. Examination papers for Scholarships (in Mathematics), Trinity College, St. John's College and some combined colleges and for the Cambridge Mathematical tripos; 1885-1904 [v.1, bound and labelled as College Mathematical Papers] and 1900-1904, 1923, 1939-44 [v.2]. 2 v.
Note: A complete set of James Cook Mathematical Notes, edited by Rennie from 1979 to 1996, was received with these papers. These have been separately catalogued as a journal and are available in the main collection of the Library.
Additional books as listed below were presented by Mrs Rennie from the library of Professor Rennie and have been added to the collections of the Library:
J.F. Heather A treatise on mathematical instruments 1877
C.P. Steinmetz Engineering mathematics 1911
H. Steels Properties of matter 1935
Blanch Anniversary Volume 1967
Andrew Paul Guinard 1912-1987: the collected papers 1989
Papers relating to Rennie's period at James Cook University, including notes of lectures given, have been deposited with James Cook University. Additional material of research interest has been retained by Mrs Barbara Rennie.
These papers were received from Mrs Barbara Rennie on 3 April 1997.
Susan Woodburn
10 April 1997