Title of dataset: Raw image data from 1276 microCT for ExperimentA, Anon Lab Group Principal Investigator: Prof Anonymous, Research Institute, prof.anonymous@institute.edu Data Creator: John Smith, Research Institute, j.smith@institute.edu Project objectives: To quantify changes in lower limb bone mass, between 14 and 24 weeks old, in two common mouse strains with or without ovariectomy. --------------------------------------------DATA FILES------------------------------------------------- File naming convention: strain-treatment-specimenNum_age_version_imageNumber.fileFormat Attributes: strain = indicates whether the mouse was C57BL/6 or BALB/c treatment = indicates whether the mouse was ovariectomized or non-surgical control specimenNum = a 2-digit number assigned to each mouse in the treatment groups (between 01-06) age = age of the mouse, in weeks, at the time of the microCT scan version = indicating whether image is raw data, reconstructed or processed data file imageNumber = 4-digit image slice number in the microCT z-stack (e.g. 00xx) fileFormat = 8-bit bitmap (.bmp) image files as generated by the microscope Acronyms and Codes: strain = {C57BL/6: "BL6", BALB/c: "BaC"} treatment = {ovariectomized: "OVX", non-operated control: "CTL"} specimenNum = {"01", ”02”, ”03”, “04”, “05” ,”06”} age (weeks) = {“w14”, “w16”, “w18”, “w20”, “w22”, “w24”} version = {raw: "raw", reconstructed: "rec", processed: "proc"} Examples: The raw image file of the 3rd C57BL/6 mouse from the ovariectomized group, microCT scanned at 18-weeks-old - BL6-OVX-03_w16_raw_0001.bmp The raw image file of the 1st BALB/c mouse from the non-surgical control group, microCT scanned at 22-weeks-old - BaC-CTL-03_w22_raw_0001.bmp ----------------- --------------------------DATA LOCATION----------------------------------------------- The raw image data is located in the following folder in the laboratory's central storage allocation: .../AnonLabGroup/ExperimentA/RawData/ Raw data folders are organised by strain then by treatment as shown below: RawData ├───BL6 ├ ├───OVX ├ └───CTL └───BaC ├───OVX └───CTL