Research Centres and Research Institutes Framework

1.4 Director's Responsibilities Template

The responsibilities of a Director may vary to some extent between specific Research Centres and Research Institutes. The following is a guide to the types of responsibilities a Director can be expected to carry out. The actual responsibilities must be clearly documented by the DVC&VP(R) or relevant Executive Dean as appropriate, before the Director is appointed.

* Develop the strategy and program for the realisation of the mission and objectives of the Centre/Institute in consultation with relevant Boards or Committees, DVC&VP(R) and Executive Dean, as appropriate;

* Be responsible for the implementation of the Centre/Institute's program, including the allocation of duties to staff;

* Provide leadership and guidance to members and staff of the Centre/Institute about the realisation of its mission and objectives;

* Participate in the Centre/Institute's research program;

* Mentor Early Career Researchers;

* Encourage timely completion rates for HDR students supervised by staff involved with the Centre/Institute;

* Represent the Centre/Institute within and outside the University;

* Ensure that the Centre/Institute relationship with the University is clearly promoted in all communications and publications from the Centre/Institute, and complies with the University's Trade Mark and Brand Assets Policy;

* Liaise with other sections of the University about matters affecting the Centre/Institute;

* Attract and facilitate research grant and consultancy projects undertaken under the auspices of the Centre/Institute, in accordance with relevant University policies and procedures;

* Prepare reviews of staffing allocations, as required;

* Liaise with the DVC&VP(R) or responsible Executive Dean, as appropriate, about the appointment and management of any staff allocated to the Centre/Institute;

* Prepare the annual Centre/Institute budget on the advice of the Centre Management Committee or Institute Board (as appropriate) and, in consultation with any external input mechanisms and the DVC&VP(R) or responsible Executive Dean (as appropriate), disburse, monitor and control funds received or accruing to the Centre/Institute in accordance with University policies and procedures;

* Administer the resources of the Centre/Institute consistent with mission and budget;

* Monitor the Centre/Institute's efficiency and effectiveness, and prepare the annual report and statement of accounts of the Centre/Institute for presentation to the DVC&VP(R) and relevant Executive Dean, as appropriate; and

* Contribute to the promotion and marketing of the University as a research facility.

Date uploaded 10 October 2008

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2007/1778
Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
Responsible policy officer Director, Research Branch
Endorsed by Academic Board
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Procedures approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Attachment 1: Research Centres and Research Institutes Guidelines and Criteria;field=data;id=4762;m=view

University Owned Entities Policy

Superceded Policies Policy on Research Centres and Other Research Groups
Effective from 5 May 2010
Review Date 31 May 2013
Contact for queries about the policy Contact Director, Research Branch on ext. 35137

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.