Research Centres and Research Institutes Framework

1.5 Annual Reporting Requirements for Research Centres and Research Institutes Template

1. For Research Centres and Research Institutes receiving central University funds, the Annual Report is required to:

a) address the specific key performance indicators and related targets developed during their establishment phase, covering the period since the previous Report;

b) address the Outcomes listed below;

a) provide a statement of financial performance for the period;

b) provide details of significant managerial or personnel changes; and

c) include an overview prepared by the Director.

2. For Research Centres and Research Institutes independent of any central University funds, a summary report is permitted, outlining major activities and outcomes for the previous year.

3. If the Research Centre or Research Institute is a joint venture subject to a legal agreement, the report must be prepared in accord with the terms and conditions required by the agreement.

4. All Annual Reports are required by 31July each year.


1. Strategic Purpose and Benefit

* Outcome and progress on achieving the objectives and milestones of the University Strategic Plan and Operational Plan.

* Evidence of national and/or international leadership in the research area.

* New strategic relationships developed.

2. Research Program

* Anticipated capacity for growth in research activity and research revenue including:

o Number of applications for large funding grants, program grants, international grants, etc.

o Number and amount of national competitive grants and/or other sources of funding won, including contract research and consultancy.

* Number of fully-funded research only staff, if applicable.

* List of publications.

* Number of citations, if applicable.

* Number of publications in high-impact journals.

* Invitations to address and participate in international conferences.

* List of patents and commercial products.

* Other peer reviewed outputs appropriate to the discipline(s).

3. Peer Recognition

* Number and description of prizes awarded and other forms of peer and public recognition.

4. Research training and professional education

* Number of postgraduate students supervised by Centre/Institute staff.

* Number of postgraduate completions by students supervised by Centre/Institute staff

* Evidence of support for early career researchers.

* Number and nature of professional workshops and outreach programs held.

5. International, national and regional links and networks

* Number of international visitors.

* Nature and extent of international engagements.

* Number of publications and projects with external collaborators.

* Number and nature of contractual arrangements (commercialisation and consultancies).

* Number of current affiliate/adjunct members from relevant industry sectors, external stake holders or researchers from national or international research centres, as appropriate to the discipline area and actively involved in the research of the Centre/Institute.

* New joint venture agreements, MOUs or partnerships.

6. End-user links

* Nature and extent of interaction with industry, government and other public organisations

* Evidence of how the Centre/Institute has altered policy or practice of a particular organisation or profession and/or evidence of creating identifiable social, economic or environmental change.

* Participation in external events.

* Awareness in the community, e.g. media articles.

Date uploaded 10 October 2008

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2007/1778
Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
Responsible policy officer Director, Research Branch
Endorsed by Academic Board
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Procedures approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Attachment 1: Research Centres and Research Institutes Guidelines and Criteria;field=data;id=4762;m=view

University Owned Entities Policy

Superceded Policies Policy on Research Centres and Other Research Groups
Effective from 5 May 2010
Review Date 31 May 2013
Contact for queries about the policy Contact Director, Research Branch on ext. 35137

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.