News: mental health
How to have a real “R U OK?” conversation.
R U OK? Day acts as a reminder for us to have the important conversations with our loved ones about their wellbeing.
[Read more about How to have a real “R U OK?” conversation.]
Mental Health First Aid Workshop
Book into our free 2-day workshop on March 22 - 23, 2023.
Mental Health Awareness month
Did you know that October is Mental Health Awareness Month?
Talk Campus
Currently enrolled students are now able to access the wellbeing and mental health support app - Talk Campus for free.
Mental Health Awareness Month grants programme
1- 31 October is Mental Health Awareness Month.
[Read more about Mental Health Awareness Month grants programme]
Free Mental Health First Aid Training for Students
Would you like to feel more confident supporting family, friends or fellow students who maybe are suffering with mental health problems?
[Read more about Free Mental Health First Aid Training for Students]