Ms Jacinta Johnson

Ms Jacinta Johnson
  • Biography/ Background

    • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), University of South Australia
    • Discipline Pharmacology Postgraduate Student Representative for 2011
    • School of Medical Sciences Postgraduate Student Representative for 2013
    • Chair of the SA Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Early Career Pharmacist Group 2014 - present

    Jacinta has recently completed her PhD within the Discipline of Pharmacology, School of Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide with the support of an Australian Postgraduate Award. Her PhD research investigated the pathophysiology behind medication overuse headache, with a focus upon the role of glial activation. As part of her PhD Jacinta conducted a clinical trial investigating the efficacy of a glial attenuator in the treatment of this disorder.  Her research was conducted within the Pain and Anaesthesia Research Clinic (PARC) with the supervision of Prof Paul Rolan, Assoc Prof Mark Hutchinson and Dr Des Williams (University of South Australia). 

    Prior to commencing her PhD Jacinta completed a Bachelor of Pharmacy at the University of South Australia, graduating with First Class Honours in 2008. Her honours research, which was undertaken in association with the Discipline of Pharmacology, University of Adelaide, investigated hyperalgesia in the context of chronic codeine administration.  Subsequently, Jacinta worked as Hospital Pharmacist at Flinders Medical Centre before returning to study in 2010.

    During her PhD Jacinta lectured in the School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, teaching applied pharmacology to Nurse Practitioner candidates and Master of Nursing Science students and she continues to teach within the School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia.  In addition to teaching Jacinta practices as a Specialist Clinical Pharmacist in the High Dependency Unit at Flinders Medical Centre. Jacinta also has experience in primary healthcare working in with Drug and Alchol Services South Australia and in community pharmacy.

  • Publications

    Johnson JL, Kwok YH, Sumracki NM, Swift JE, Hutchinson MR, Johnson K, Williams DB, Tuke J and Rolan PE 2015 "Glial attenuation with ibudilast in the treatment of medication overuse headache: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled pilot trial of efficacy and safety.” Headache. DOI: 10.1111/head.12655. [Epub ahead of print]

    Johnson J & Rolan, P 2015 “Paradoxical topiramate-induced hyperphagia successfully treated with phentermine in a woman with migraine”, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 22(8), pp.1363-1364.

    Johnson, J, Rolan, P, Johnson, M, Bobrovskaya, L, Williams, D, Johnson, K, Tuke, J and Hutchinson, M 2014 “Codeine-induced hyperalgesia and allodynia: Investigating the role of glial activation” Translational Psychiatry, 4(11), pp. e482-489.


    Swift J, Johnson J, & Rolan P 2014 “New ways to split a headache.” Australasian Science, March issue. pp.14-17.


    Thomas J, Mustafa S, Johnson J, Nicotra L & Hutchinson M 2015 “The relationship between opioids and immune signalling in the spinal cord.” In Schaible HG (ed.), Pain Control. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, vol 227, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp.207-238.


    Johnson, J, Hutchinson, M, Williams, D and Rolan, P 2013 “Medication overuse headache and opioid‑induced hyperalgesia: A review of mechanisms, neuroimmune hypothesis and novel treatment approach, Cephalalgia, 33(1), pp. 52-64.

  • Professional Associations

    • Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
    • Member of the Society for Neuroscience
    • Member of Healthy Development Adelaide
    • Member of the Adelaide Pharmacology Group
    • Member Australian Society for Medical Research


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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 30 Sep 2015