Professor Nigel Stocks

Professor Nigel Stocks
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Medical Specialties
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3462
 Location Floor/Room 8 ,  Hughes ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Professor Stocks is Head of the Discipline of General Practice at the University of Adelaide and Director of the only National Primary Care influenza surveillance Network in Australia (ASPREN).  He is a general practitioner (FRACGP) and public health physician (FAFPHM).  He is an experienced primary health care research who has conducted both qualitative and quantitative studies including RCT’s cohort and observational studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. His main interests are in cardiovascular, infectious disease, prevention and quality of life with an emphasis on clinical and health services research.  He has successfully recruited patients to large (ASPREE and WISDOM) and many smaller randomised controlled trials.  For several years he was the RACGP SA/NT Faculty Chair, a member and Chair of their national Council and member of their research committee. He now supports the College as Chair of their National Awards Committee and member of their Research Foundation.  He has recently been appointed to the SA Academic Health Science and Translation Centre – Primary Health Integration Committee – that is seeking to encourage application of research findings in the community. He is also chair of the National Prescribing Service Data Governance Committee with oversight of the largest and most comprehensive set of GP morbidity data ( 3.5 million patients) – Medicineinsight – in Australia.





  • Research Funding


    Research Grants

    •  McEvoy D, Stocks N, Zwar N, Grunstein R, Chai-Coetzer CL, Lack L, Adams R, Redman S, Vakulin A, Wesselingh S. National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research. NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence 2017-2021 $2,497,977.

    • Marwick T, Chew D, Kaye D, Negishi K,  Stocks N, Blizzard C, Doust J. Effectiveness of imaging pathways for CVD epidemics of the elderly. NHMRC Partnership Grant 2017. $703,876.

    • Stocks NP, Chilver M.  The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN).  Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch. 2017 $852,218.

    • Harris MF, Stocks NP, Nutbeam D, Zwar N, Karnon J, Denny-Wilson E, Noakes M, Liaw T, Lau A. Preventing chronic disease in patients with low health literacy using e-health and teamwork in primary health care. NHMRC Project Grant. 2017-2020 $1,264,892.

    • Lewin S, Sorrell T, McVernon J, Webb S, Kaldor J, Cheng A, Gilbert G, Smith D, Alexandersen S,  (AI) Miller A, Dawson A, Anderson D, Irving D, Paterson D, Macartney K, Stocks N, Massey P, Ritchie S, Lambert S. NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Infectious Disease Emergency Response Research. Australian Partnership (for) Preparedness Research on InfectiouS (disease) Emergencies (APPRISE). 2016- 2020 $5,000,000.

    • Lynch J, Sawyer M, Mol B, Roberts C, Dekker G, Stocks N, Schurer S, Gurrin L, Dwyer N, Bowering K.  EMPOWER: Health Systems, Adversity and Child Well Being. NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence. 2016-2020 $2,490,000.

    • Stocks NP, Chilver M.  The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN).  Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch. 2015-2016 $1,416,000.

    • Wade T, Frank O, Stocks NP. Acceptability and Impact of Introducing an Online Software System into a General Practice to Increase Patient Engagement with Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Management. HCF Research Foundation/RACGP Research Foundation.  2015-2016 $60,000.

    • Marwick T … Stocks N (AI).  Coronary Artery calcium score: Use to Guide management of Hereditary Coronary Artery Disease (CAUGHT-CAD) NHMRC Project Grant APP1080582. 2015-2019 $2,652,448.Gold M, Braunack-Mayer A, Buttery J, Stocks N, Effler P, Macartney Kristine, Haji AA, Hossein. Can e-Health improve post-marketing surveillance of drugs and vaccines? The Stimulated Telephone Assisted Rapid Safety Surveillance (STARSS) randomised controlled trial. NHMRC Partnership Project 1067703. 2014-2016 $431,902.
    • 2018-01-292018-01-29
    • Stocks NP, Powell K, May E, Gill G, Laurence C, Aylward P. Analysis of the supports and hindrances to the integration of co-located services in multiple models of primary health care delivery. Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute. 2014 $149,524.
    • Stewert S, Brown A, Thompson D, Stocks NP, Scuffham P, Eades S, Carrington M, Silwa K, Maguire G. Centre of Research Excellence to Reduce Inequality in Heart Disease. NHMRC 2012 -2017 $2,493,649.
    • Stewart S … et al.  Stocks N (AI). Optimising heart disease prevention and management.  NHMRC Project Grant APP1055214. 2014-2018 $4,647,175.

    • Carrington M … et al. Stocks N (AI). Nurse-led management of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. NHMRC Project Grant APP1069043. 2014-2017. $1,290,716.
    • Harris M, Bauman A, Laws R, Caterson I, Campbell K, Crawford D, Stocks NP,  Hayman N, Denney-Wilson E, Teng Liaw S, Lynch J. The Centre for Obesity Management and Prevention Research Excellence in Primary Health Care. APHCRI 2012-2015 $2,379,688.
    • Russell G, Harris M, Stocks N. Canadian Institutes of Health Research/ Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute Community Based Primary Health Care Grant (joint grant). Innovative Models Promoting Access to Care Team (IMPACT): innovating to bring primary care to those who most need it. 2013 $2,500,000.
    • Stocks N. ASPrin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE). Monash University (part of an international trial funded by the NIH – USA). 2012 $125,000.
    • Crocket A, Stocks N, Malbon T.   Lung Function Testing, Review and Analysis.  Metropolitan Fire Service. 2012 -2013 $108,391.
    • Stocks NP, Chilver M.  The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN).  Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch. 2012-2013 $925,000.
    • Frank O, Stocks N, Aylward P. Increasing prevention, detection and treatment of osteoporosis through automated opportunistic reminders to patients, general practitioners and practice nurse. RACGP Osteoporosis award. 2012 $29,528.
    • Frank O, Stocks N, Aylward P.  Feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of automated production of pre-consultation patient prevention summary and reminder sheets: pilot study. RACGP 2011 $20,000.
    • Frank O, Stocks N, Pond D.  What are the beliefs and attitudes of older people with impaired cognition, and of their relatives, towards the impaired person’s continuing to drive? RACGP - CONROD Research Fellowship 2011 $29,333.
    • Ried K, Frank O, Stocks N. Aged garlic extract for uncontrolled hypertension: A dose-response trial. Royal Adelaide Hospital New Investigator Project Grant. 2011 $15,000.

    • Stocks NP, Chilver M.  The Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network (ASPREN).  Department of Health and Ageing, Surveillance Section Bio-security and Disease Control Branch. 2009-2011 $1,035,467.


  • Publications

    1. Gonzalez-Chica D, Hill CL, Gill TK, Hay P, Haag D, Stocks NP. Individual diseases or clustering of health conditions? Association between multiple chronic diseases and health-related quality of life in adults. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2017 (In Press).
    2. Sullivan SG, Chilver MBN, Carville KS, Deng Y, Grant KA, Higgins G, Komadina N, Leung VKY, Minney-Smith C, Teng D, Tran T, Stocks N, Fielding JE. Low interim influenza vaccine effectiveness, Australia, 1 May to 24 September 2017. Eurosurveillance 2017: Volume 22, Issue 43, 26/Oct/2017. doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.43.17-00707.
    3. Ward, S. A., Storey, E., Woods, R. L., Hamilton, G. S., Kawasaki, R., Janke, A. L., Naughton, M. T., O'Donoghue, F. J., Wolfe, R., Wong, T. Y., Reid, C. M., Abhayaratna, W. P., Stocks, N., Trevaks, R., Fitzgerald, S., Hodgson, L. A. B., Robman, L., Workman, B., & McNeil, J. J. The study of neurocognitive outcomes, radiological and retinal effects of aspirin in sleep apnoea- rationale and methodology of the SNORE-ASA study. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2017.10.016.
    4. Appleton SL, Gill TK, Lang CJ, Taylor AW, McEvoy RD, Stocks NP, González-Chica DA, Adams RJ. Prevalence and co-morbidity of sleep conditions in Australian adults: 2016 Sleep Health Foundation national survey. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation. (Accepted for publication 21/10/2017).
    5. Thapliyal P, Mitchison D, Bowden J, González-Chica D, Stocks N, Touyz S, Hay P. Comparison of mental health treatment status and use of anti-depressants in men and women with eating disorders. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention. 2017. doi:10.1080/10640266.2017.1383788.
    6. Gaikwad M, Vanlint S, Mosley GL, Mittinty M, Stocks N. Factors associated with vitamin D testing, deficiency, intake and supplementation in patients with chronic pain. Journal of Dietary Supplements. 2017. doi:10.1080/19390211.2017.1375060.
    7. Frank O, Stocks N, Knieriemen A. Providing "Just in Time " Preventive Health Care Advice, Annals of Family Medicine 2017, 15(3), 276. doi:10.1370/afm.2066.
    8. Hay P, Mitchison D, Lopez Collado AE, González-Chica DA, Stocks N, Touyz S. Burden and health-related quality of life of Eating Disorders, including Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), in the Australian population. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2017. 5(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s40337-017-0149-z.
    9. A Gaikwad M, Vanlint S, Aylward P, Stocks N. A qualitative exploration of GPs' perspectives on managing chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain in Australian general practice- A Focus group study. 2017. Family Medicine and Community Health (In press).
    10. Mitchison D, Touyz S, González-Chica DA, Stocks N, Hay P. How Abnormal is Binge Eating? 18-Year Time Trends in Population Prevalence and Burden. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2017; 136(2), 147-155. doi:10.1111/acps.12735.
    11. Gonzales D, Dal Grande E, Bowden J, Musker M, Hay P, Stocks N. Are we reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving the quality of life through preventive health care? Results of a population-based study in South Australia. Preventive Medicine 2017; 99, 164-170. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.02.007.
    12. Gonzales D, Adams R, Dal Grande E, Avery J, Hay P, Stocks N. Lower educational level and unemployment increase the impact of cardiometabolic conditions on the quality of life: results of a population-based study in South Australia. Quality of Life Research. 2017; 26(6), 1521-1530. doi:10.1007/s11136-017-1503-y.
    13. Gaikwad M, Vanlint S, Mosley GL, Mittinty M, Stocks N. Understanding patient perspective on management of their chronic pain - online survey protocol. Journal of Pain Research. 2017; 10, 31-35. doi:10.2147/JPR.S124710.
    14. Guymer C, Stocks N. Age-Related Eye Disease in South Australian General Practice: are we blind to early detection and intervention? Australian Journal of Primary Health Care. 2017; 23(1), 75-79. doi:10.1071/PY15189.
    15. McNeil JJ, Woods RL, Nelson MR, Murray AM, Reid CM, Kirpach BK, Storey E, Shah RC, Wolfe RS, Tonkin AM, Newman AB, Williamson JD, Lockery JE, Margolis KL, Ernst ME, Abhayaratna WP, Stocks N, Fitzgerald SM, Trevaks RE, Orchard SG, Beilin LJ, Donnan GA, Gibbs P, Johnston CI, Grimm RH on behalf of the ASPREE Investigator Group. Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the ASPREE (Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly) Study. Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017; 72(11), 1586-1593. doi:10.1093/gerona/glw342.
    16. Wade T, Stocks N. The Use of Telehealth to Reduce Inequalities in Cardiovascular Outcomes in Australia and New Zealand: a Critical Review. Heart, Lung and Circulation.18-DEC-2016; doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2016.10.0132016.
    17. Fielding JE, Levy A, Chilver MB-N, Deng Y, Regan AK, Grant KA, Stocks NP, Sullivan SG. Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in Australia, 2015: an epidemiological, antigenic and phylogenetic assessment. Vaccine 2016; 34(41), 4905-4912. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.08.067.
    18. Carrington MJ, Jennings GL, Harris M, Nelson M, Schlaich M, Stocks N P, Burrell LM, Amera J, deLooze FJ, Swemmer CH, Kurstjens NP, Stewert S. Impact of nurse-mediated management on achieving blood pressure goal levels in Primary Care: Insights from the Valsartan intensified Primary Care Reduction of Blood Pressure Study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Oct 2016; vol. 15 no. 6 409-416; doi: 10.1177/1474515115591901.
    19. Brodaty, H, Connors, MH, Loy C, Teixeira-Pinto A. Stocks N, Gunn J, Mate KE, & Pond CD. Screening for dementia in primary care: A comparison of the GPCOG and MMSE. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 323-330 04 Nov 2016; doi:10.1159/000450992.
    20. Sullivan S, Carvile KS, Chilver M, Fielding JE, Grant KA, Kelly H, Levy A, Stocks NP, Tempone SS, Regan AK. Pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates for Australia, 2012-2014. Epidemiology and Infection. 44, 2317- 2328 2016; doi 10.1017/S0950268816000819.

    21. Whiting G, Stocks N, Magin P, Tapley A. General practice registrars' clinical experience of dermatology during training: a cross-sectional analysis from the registrar clinical encounters in training study. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 15 June 2016; doi: 10.1111/ajd.12493.

    22. Gaikwad M, Vanlint S, Mittinty M, Stocks N. Vitamin D supplementation for chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Rheumatology 2016; doi 10.1007/s10067-016-3205-1.

    23. Gonzales D, Zandil M, Avery J, Duszynski K, Doust J, Tideman P, Murphy A, Burgess J, Beilby J Stocks N. Effect of health literacy on quality of life amongst patients with ischaemic heart disease in Australian general practice. 2016 PLOS ONE; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151079.

    24. Mate KE, Magin PJ, Brodaty H, Stocks NP, Gunn J, Disler PB, Marley JE, Pond D. An evaluation of the additional benefit of population screening for dementia beyond a passive case-finding approach. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2016; doi: 10.1002/gps.4466.

    25. Avery J, Stocks N. Urinary Incontinence, Depression and Psychological factors - A Review of Population Studies. European Medical Journal. 2016;1[1]:58-67.

    26. Stocks N, Broadbent J, Lorimer M, Chew D, Tideman P, Wittert G, Ryan P. The Heart Health Study - Increasing cardiovascular risk assessment in Family Practice for first degree relatives of patients with premature ischaemic heart disease: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Family Practice Sept 2015; doi:10.1186/s12875-015-0328-4.

    27. Frank O, Stocks N. A bowel cancer screening program at last. Medical Journal of Australia 202(4):iii-iv. Letter. Article number 180. 2015; doi:10.5694/mja14.01547.

    28. Powell K, Lawrence C, Stocks N. A new venture in interdisciplinary student learning in a co-located health service. Australian Health Review 2015; doi: 10.1071/AH14241.

    29. Faruqi N, Stocks N, Spooner C, Haddad N, Harris M. Research Protocol: Management of obesity in patients with low health literacy in primary health care. BMC Obesity 2015; 2(5); doi: doi:10.1186/s40608-015-0036-6.

    30. Faruqi N, Spooner C, Joshi C, Lloyd J, Dennis S, Stocks N, Harris M. Primary healthcare-level interventions improving health literacy for weight loss: A systematic review of the literature. BMC Obesity 2015; doi:10.1186/s40608-015-0035-7.

    31. Avery JC, Braunack-Mayer AJ, Duggan PM, Taylor AW, Stocks NP. "It's our lot"; how resilience influences the experience of depression in women with urinary incontinence. Health Sociology Review 2015 Vol 24 No , 94-108; doi:10.1080/14461242.2015.1007512.

    32. Sullivan S, Stocks N, Chilver M. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in Australia: results from the Australian Sentinel Practices Research Network. MJA 2014; 201 (2): 109-111; doi: 10.5694/mja14.00106.

    33. Taylor K, Marshall H, Stocks NP. The missing link: family physician perspectives on barriers and enablers to prescribing a new Meningococcal B vaccine and other recommended, non-government funded vaccines, Vaccine 2014; 32 (33), 4214-4219:

    34. Stuart KL, Wyld B, Bastiaans K, Stocks N, Brinkworth G, Mohr P, Noakes M. A telephone-supported cardiovascular lifestyle programme (CLIP) for lipid reduction and weight loss in general practice patients: a randomised controlled pilot trial. Public Health Nutr. 2014; 17(3) 640-647; doi:org/10.1017/S1368980013000220.

    35. Smithers LG, Chittleborough CR, Stocks N, Sawyer MG, Lynch JW. Can items used in 4-year-old well-child visits predict children's health and school outcomes? Maternal and Child Health Journal 2014; 18 (6): 1345-1353; doi:10.1007/s10995-013-1369-8.

    36. Frank O, Stocks N, Aylward P. Development of a pre-consultation prevention summary and reminder sheets for patients: Preliminary study of acceptability and sustainability. Australian Family Physician 2014; 43(5): 310-314.

    37. Avery JC, Stocks N, Taylor AW. Gill TK. Perceptions and prevalence of urinary incontinence in the Australian population. Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal Autumn 2014; 20(1): 7-13.

    38. Ruel G, Lévesque J, Stocks N, Sirois C, Kroger E, Adams RJ, Doucet M, Taylor AW. Understanding the evolution of multimorbidity: evidences from the North West Adelaide Health Longitudinal Study (NWAHS). PLOS ONE 2014; Volume 9, Issue 5, 5 May 2014, Article number e96291.

    39. Kerr KP, Mate KE, Magin PJ Marley J, Stocks NP, Disler P. Pond CD. The prevalence of co-prescription of clinically relevant CYP enzyme inhibitor and substrate drugs in community-dwelling elderly Australians. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2014; doi: 10.1111/jcpt.12163.

    40. Si, Si, Moss, J.R., Sullivan, T.R., Newton, S.S., Stocks, N.P. Effectiveness of general practice-based health checks: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of General Practice 2014; 64 (618) PP. e47 - e53.

    41. Stewart S, Carrington MJ, Swemmer CH, Kurstjens NP, Brown A, Burrell LM, Nelson M, Stocks NP, Jennings GL; VIPER-BP Study Investigator. More rigorous protocol adherence to intensive structured management improves blood pressure control in primary care: Results from the VIPER-BP Study. J of Hypertension 2014 32 (6) June, Pages 1342-1350; doi: 10.1111/jch.12164.

    42. Stewart S, Carrington MJ, Swemmer CH, Kurstjens NP, Brown A, Burrell LM, Nelson M, Stocks NP, Jennings GL; VIPER-BP Study Investigators. Determinants of achieving early blood pressure control with monotherapy in a primary care setting. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2013 Sep;15(9):674-80. doi: 10.1111/jch.12164. Epub 2013 Jul 16.

    43. Grimm R, McNeil JJ, Applegate W, Beilin L, Espinoza, S., Johnston CI, Kirpach B, Margolis K, Murray A, Nelson MR , Reid CM, Shah, R, Storey E, Tonkin AM, Wilson, P, Wolfe R, Woods RL, Abhayaratna W, Ames D, Cobiac L, Donnan G, Gibbs P, Head R, Krum H, Jelnik M, Malik M, Williamson J, Eaton C, Weissfeld J, MacRae F, Rodriguez LM, Shah R, Newman A, Demons J, Workman B, Wood E, Satterfield S, Ernst M, Gilbertson D, Lockery JE, Shah RC, Ernst M, Hannah J, Newman A, Radziszewska B, Shah R, Thomas A, Gill G, Jackson C, Kidd M, Russell G, Pressman G, Figueredo V, Oberoi M, Ahmad M, Krstevska S, Lawson C, Katzman S, Powell J, Lang M, Bolin P, Atlanta VA, Le A, Johnson T, Thomas A, Kruger D, Obisesan T, Allard J, Dodd K, Ott B, Pemu P, Radziszewska B, Hadley E, Romashkan SV, Palaniappan L, Jose P, Church T, Myers V, Monce R, Britt N, Gupta A, Keller J, Shah RC, Lewis B, Shikany J, Allman R, Anton S, Pahor M, Burns J, Swerdlow R, Anderson H, Wiggins J, Nyquist L, Peterson KA, Newman AB, Tindle H, Johnson KC, Womack C, Birnbaum L, Nesbitt S, Volpi E, Applegate WB, Flack J, Ference B, Singh M, Lichtenberg P, Aloia J, Mikhail M, Anwarrulah AA, Trevaks RE, Fitzgerald SM, Stocks N. Study design of ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE): A randomized, controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2013 .36, 2, November 2013, 555-564;

    44. Pond CD, Mate KE, Phillips J, Stocks NP, Magin PJ, Weaver N, Brodaty H. Predictors of agreement between general practitioner detection of dementia and the revised Cambridge Cognitive Assessment (CAMCOG-R). Int Psychogeriatr. 2013 Oct;25(10):1639-47. doi: 10.1017/S1041610213000884. Epub 2013 Jun 26.

    45. Johnson DA, Frank O, Pond D, Stocks N. Older people with mild cognitive impairment -- their views about assessing driving safety. Aust Fam Physician. 2013 May;42(5):317-20.

    46. Avery JC, Stocks NP, Duggan P, Braunack-Mayer AJ, Taylor AW, Goldney RD, MacLennan AH. Identifying the quality of life effects of urinary incontinence with depression in an Australian population. BMC Urol. 2013 Feb 16;13:11. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-13-11.

    47. Ried K, Frank OR, Stocks NP. Aged garlic extract reduces blood pressure in hypertensives: a dose response trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013 Jan;67(1):64-70. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.178. Epub 2012 Nov 21.

    48. Stewart S, Carrington MJ, Swemmer CH, Kurstjens NP, Anderson C, Amerena J, Brown A, Burrell LM, de Looze FJ, Harris M, Hung J, Krum H, Nelson M, Schlaich M, Stocks NP, Jennings GL. A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of intensive, structured care in achieving individual blood pressure targets in primary care. BMJ Open 2012 Nov 20;345:e7156. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e7156

    49. Almeida OP, Draper B, Snowdon J, Lautenschlager NT, Pirkis J, Byrne G, Sim M, Stocks N, Flicker L, Pfaff J. Factors associated with suicidal thoughts in later life in a large community study of older adults. British Journal of Psychiatry 2012, 201(6) 466-472.

    50. Williamson M, Cardona-Morrell M, Elliott JD, Reeve JF, Stocks NP, Emery J, Mackson JM , Gunn JM. Prescribing Data in General Practice Demonstration (PDGPD) project - a cluster randomised controlled trial of a quality improvement intervention to achieve better prescribing for chronic heart failure and hypertension. BMC Health Services Research 2012, 12:273. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-273.

    51. Mate KE, Pond CD, Magin P, Goode S, McElduff P, Stocks NP. Diagnosis and disclosure of a memory problem is associated with quality of life in community based older Australians with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics 2012, 24 1962-1971.

    52. Ried K, Sullivan TR, Fakler P, Frank OR, Stocks NP. Effect of cocoa on blood pressure. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 12; doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008893.pub2.

    53. Stocks N, Allan J, Frank O, Williams S, Ryan P. Improving attendance for cardiovascular risk assessment in Australian general practice: an RCT of a monetary incentive for patients. BMC Family Practice 2012, 13:54.DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-13-54

    54. Almeida OP, Pirkis J, Kerse N, Sim M, Flicker L, Snowdon J, Draper B, Byrne G, Goldney R, Lautenschlager NT, Stocks N, Alfonso H, Pfaff J. Anxiety, Depression and Comorbid Anxiety and Depression: Risk Factors and Outcome Over Two Years. 2012 International Journal of Psychogeriatrics doi:10.1017/S104161021200107X.

    55. Pond CD, Brodaty H, Stocks NP, Gunn J, Marley J, Disler P, Magin P, Paterson N, Horton G, Goode S, Paine B, Mate KE. Ageing in General Practice (AGP) Trial: A cluster randomised trial to examine the effectiveness of peer education on GP diagnostic assessment and management of dementia. BMC Family Practice 2012 13:12.

    56. Pond D, Phillips J, Paterson N, Howell C, Shell A, Stocks N, Goode S, Marley J. General practitioners' view of the difficulties in disclosing the diagnosis of dementia. BJGP 2012 Aug;62(601):e546-53. doi: 10.3399/bjgp12X653598.

    57. Almeida OP, Pirkis J, Kerse N, Sim M, Flicker L, Snowdon J, Draper B, Byrne G, Goldney R, Lautenschlager NT, Stocks N, Alfonso H, Pfaff J. Socioeconomic Disadvantage Increases Risk of Prevalent and Persistent Depression in Later Life. Journal of Affective Disorders 2012 doi:10.1016/j.jad.2012.01.021.


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