Professor Ted Nettelbeck

Professor Ted Nettelbeck
  • Research Interests

    Keywords: Intelligence, Cognition, Speed of Information Processing, Intellectual Disability, Childhood Development, Ageing


    • The nature of human intelligence and individual differences in cognitive abilities. Much of my research has involved the development and application of measures of timed performance, like inspection time and reaction time, to the study of individual differences in information processing and the relationships of these with psychometric tests of IQ. These studies have included children, young adults and elderly persons and have encompassed a wide range of IQ, including persons with an intellectual disability.
    • The field of intellectual disability, including work assessment and training, the relevance of interpersonal competence to effective every-day functioning, evaluating support needs of people with disabilities.
    • The structure of attentional abilities and their relevance to an understanding of intelligence; determining whether speed of processing mediates cognitive changes during childhood and old age; and investigating whether inspection time has potential as a biomarker for functional ageing.
    • Emotional intelligence and its relation to cognitive abilities and personality.


  • Publications

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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 10 Dec 2014