
Please see below for information on where to submit program development forms.

Submit the following forms to Growth and Diversification Steering Committee (GDSC), with a cc to APEAC, with the subject line as applicable: Concept proposal for GDSC consideration / Business Case for GDSC consideration.

Important note:

Before submitting a proposal to inactivate or suspend any programs, please check the University of Adelaide 2024-2025 CGS Funding Agreement May 2024

If the program being considered for inactivation or suspension is listed in the agreement, please contact APEAC prior to progressing the proposal.

Form Description
Concept proposal

For new programs only. Prior to developing a Business Case, the concept proposal is required to be completed and submitted to GDSC. 

For support in filling in the Concept Proposal, please contact the subject matter experts listed throughout the document.

Business Case

A Business Case must be completed and submitted to GDSC:

  • For new programs (a Concept Proposal needs to be endorsed by GDSC before commencing a Business Case); and
  • For major revisions (excluding proposals to change entry requirements only). To help determine whether a program revision is classified as major, refer to the table of revision categories.
For support in filling in the Business Case, please contact the subject matter experts listed throughout the document.

Submit the following forms directly to APEAC

Form Description

Addition of a
new program/
revision of
an existing

New programs and major revisions to existing programs require consideration by APEAC.

The form should be filled out in conjunction with a series of workshops and supporting activities involving stakeholders across the University. 

It is important to note there are separate forms for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework programs.

Advice and guidance on completion of the form can be found within the following support resources:

Inactivation of
an existing program
If a program will permanently cease to be offered to commencing students an application has to be considered by APEAC.

Do not use this form if the program will simply be temporarily unavailable to commencing students (use Suspension of an Existing Program form below).

Submit the following form to the Admissions Committee, with a copy to APEAC:

Form Description

Revision of entry requirements of an existing program

A proposal to revise entry requirements must be considered by the Admissions Committee. Following endorsement by the Admissions Committee, the proposal can be considered by APEAC.

For advice with filling in the form, please contact the Admissions Committee Executive Officer.

As per below, please submit to Admissions once Section 1 is completed. If the proposal is endorsed by the DVC(EE), it will be sent to APEAC for consideration.

Form Description
Suspension of
an existing program

Where a program is to be temporarily unavailable for a specified period of time the Program Suspension Form is completed. Students currently enrolled in the program continue their enrolment until they complete the requirements of the award.

Submission of suspension proposals

  1. Complete Section 1 of the 'Program Suspension Proposal' and submit to Admissions.
  2. Admissions provides data on active applications, offers and acceptances and other data as relevant for consideration by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement).
  3. In the event that the:
    a. DVC(EE) endorses the proposal to suspend program: the program form will be sent to APEAC for consideration;
    b. DVC(EE) does NOT endorse the proposal: the DVC(EE) will discuss with the Executive Dean and/or relevant parties. Admissions will continue discussions until the submission is suitable for consideration at APEAC.

Submit the following form to International Compliance, with a copy to APEAC.

Form Description
Workplace-based learning (WBL) registration form The University of Adelaide reports the addition or removal of, and changes to, WBL activities that are compulsory within programs. This form should be submitted to International Compliance, with a copy sent to APEAC, with the subject line: WBL registration.