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A year of celebrations

A year of celebrations

The celebrations for our 150th have already begun – the party has officially started.

[Read more about A year of celebrations]

World News - Autumn 2024

Peter Ong

We invited some of this community to be our special “foreign correspondents” - to give a brief insight into their lives, careers and success around the world.

[Read more about World News - Autumn 2024]

Letters to the editor


We invited readers of our Spring/Summer issue of Lumen to tell us how studying at the University of Adelaide helped change their lives – what impact we had on their history.

[Read more about Letters to the editor ]

Onnie Chan

Onnie Chan

Education has always played a significant role in my life, thanks to my mother’s influence. Now, I am turning a new page because of my studies at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Onnie Chan]

Based on a true story


From Braveheart (1995) to Pearl Harbor (2001) to Netflix’s The Crown and SBS’s Versailles, films and television series have long been regarded as unreliable documents to history.

[Read more about Based on a true story]

Lumen readers' prize

Lumen competition

Your chance to win 150th anniversary prizes.

[Read more about Lumen readers' prize]

Celebrating 150 years!

Lumen: Autumn 2024

Our new look Lumen shares the personal stories of students, staff and alumni – and how our University continues to change lives. Guest “history editor” Keith Conlon explores our past, and how our State and our University have grown together.

[Read more about Celebrating 150 years!]

100 years of better breeding

A lot can happen in a century, especially in the field of plant breeding. 

[Read more about 100 years of better breeding]

The Vice-Chancellor’s 150th Wine Collection

VC's Wine collection thumbnail

Professor Høj presents a collection of alumni wines.

[Read more about The Vice-Chancellor’s 150th Wine Collection ]

David Penberthy

David Penberthy

OnDit, the UniBar and other formative experiences.

[Read more about David Penberthy]

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