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Research Tuesdays: Treat, trial and transform

Date/Time: Tuesday, 10 March 2015, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Location: The Braggs

Cost: Free event.

More information: Visit website

Treat, trial and transform

Towards a globally self-learning and wholly evidence-informed health system

When it comes to receiving medical treatment, the majority of us would make a fundamental assumption: sound evidence exists to suggest the proposed course of action will improve our condition.

Too often, however, that assumption's wrong. All over the world, including here in SA, around 50% of the funds allocated to government health care budgets facilitate the delivery of medical interventions that we cannot say with empirical certainty will make us healthier.

But it needn't be this way. In many countries - and other Australian states - ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions is now prioritised within health systems themselves, rather than being dependent on externally funded research.

With a particular focus on the area of reproductive health, this important presentation will show how this approach can lead to the creation of a globally self-learning medical system, with substantial benefits for patients, communities and governments alike.

The presenter

Ben (Willem) Mol is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide and works at SAHMRI. Ben has been awarded an NHMRC practitioner fellowship and has co-authored over 600 peer-reviewed publications.

Contact: Jessica Douglas, Email:, Research Marketing Coordinator, Business: 08 8313 0884