
Staff News is your place to share the latest information from our University community. 

Featured stories

Executive Dean's message

Many of us are contributing our expertise and knowledge to design a new university that is truly prepared for future challenges. It’s been a professional highlight to work alongside talented and committed teams as they develop suites of new courses, write accreditation submissions for new programs, and prepare for 1 January 2026, when Adelaide University will open its doors.

Read more about Executive Dean's message

Children's University Adelaide members experience a day of hands-on learning

The University of Adelaide’s North Terrace Campus was buzzing with excitement last week as it hosted students from seven Children’s University partner schools for an immersive on-campus experience day. The event allowed students to explore university life and get a firsthand glimpse into higher education.

Read more about Children's University Adelaide members experience a day of hands-on learning

Five-year partnership to boost foundational AI research in Australia

The University has announced a new strategic partnership with the Commonwealth Bank and the creation of the CommBank Centre for Foundational AI to advance research and bolster Australia’s AI capability. The five-year partnership will further enhance the research and education offerings of the University’s Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML). Read more.

Read more about Five-year partnership to boost foundational AI research in Australia

Peter Drew and the art of creation

The new "Lumen: Celebrating creativity" issue is coming very soon. In this sneak preview, noted Australian artist and University alum Peter Drew, famed for his AUSSIE series of posters, shares his process as he creates a new poster for Lumen featuring one of our 19th century University pioneers. Watch now.

Read more about Peter Drew and the art of creation

Student Leaders End of Year Award Ceremony

The Student Leaders End of Year Award Ceremony celebrates student leaders' exceptional contributions. We’re launching new awards, developed with students, to honour outstanding leadership. Nominate your students who have made a significant impact. Visit our website for award details and to complete the nomination form.

Read more about Student Leaders End of Year Award Ceremony

Adelaide University updates



Next VC all staff town hall

The next VC town hall to provide all staff with an update on progress to the transition to Adelaide University will be held on Thursday 3 October, 3.30–4.30 pm. This meeting will be held both in-person and online and all staff are encouraged to attend and ask any questions you may have. 



Media reports regarding online lectures

You may be aware of recent reports in the media about a move away from face-to-face lectures. Some commentary has suggested that all face-to-face learning will be replaced by online activities – this is not the case.



Parental leave engagement

As part of the Future Employee Experience work for Adelaide University, we are pleased to offer an engagement opportunity where we will be exploring the topic of parental leave. We are seeking input from staff who have returned from parental leave within the last 12-18 months.





Become a host family

The English Language Centre is seeking homestay families to host international students from university partners in January and February 2025 for two to five weeks. Families are reimbursed $380 per week in 2025 to cover the expenses of hosting. Contact homestay@adelaide.edu.au or 8313 4777 for more information. 



Gates Cambridge Scholarship

A Gates Cambridge Scholarship supports graduate study/research from one to four years at the University of Cambridge and covers full cost of study plus airfare to and from the U.K. Share with any outstanding students who are committed to improving the lives of others. More information



Applications for COALAR grants

Applications are now open for the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) 2024-2025 grant round with up to $300,000 available. COALAR aims to enhance and strengthen links between Australia and Latin America across business, education, sustainability, tourism and cultural promotion. Apply by Friday 25 October.



Health and safety representative nominations

The HSW team invites health and safety representative nominations in DUO, ABLE & Roseworthy. Embrace this voluntary role to uplift workplace safety and represent your workgroup in key discussions. Put your name forward confidentially via the online form by Friday 15 October.



Discover LibKey Nomad

Enhance your research experience with LibKey Nomad, a free browser extension that provides one-click access to full-text scholarly articles held by the Library on any website you visit where PDFs are downloadable. For more information and to download, visit the website.



2025 planning calendar

The University’s Planning Calendar for 2025 is now available for downloading and printing on your local devices. The calendar is also available on the Governance website



Lock your bike securely

There have been an increase in bike thefts on the North Terrace campus over the past few months. Security recommends parking in the secure bike cages and using a heavy-duty lock that can't be cut through with a pair of bolt-cutters. Please report theft, damage, bike shed door malfunction or suspicious behaviour around bike racks to Security on 8313 5990. Further information.





Jesus Christ Superstar

Presented by the 2024 Graduating Class and first year students of Elder Conservatorium Music Theatre. Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 September. Scott Theatre, North Terrace campus. Tickets.



AU Sport School Holiday Program

The School Holiday Program by Adelaide University Sport and Fitness offers children aged 5-11 a fun, inclusive experience. Kids will build social skills, physical literacy, and motivation to stay active, trying various popular and unique sports. Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October, 9 am to 5 pm. $70 per day (optional $10 lunch available). Register.  



Adelaide University Sport one day high performance camp

If you know a talented young athlete aged in Year 11 or 12, register before Thursday 26 September for a one-day high performance camp for elite athlete students aged 15+ and considering future study at the University. Monday 30 September, 10 am to 4 pm. Fitness Hub, North Terrace campus. Register.



UniSuper webcast

The basics of investing your super. This webcast will cover the basics of investing your super and how to avoid some common investing pitfalls. Join to make informed financial decisions for your future. Thursday 3 October, 12.30 pm. Online.



Global Opportunities and Impact Forum 2024 - Vietnam, Singapore and India

This upcoming Forum will include an overview of recent engagement activities and outcomes from the Senior Executive Mission to Vietnam, Singapore and India, and will provide information on partnership objectives and initiatives, recruitment efforts, and research opportunities and funding available to support partnership work with institutions in the region. Friday 4 October, 9–10.30 am. Room 704/705 MBA Suite, Nexus 10 Hub, Pulteney Street. Register.



School of Economics and Public Policy research seminar

Ethnic Mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. Professor Yves Zenou will present his interesting work on social integration of ethnic minority children in the context of an early childhood program aimed at preparing 5-year-old native and Syrian refugee children for primary school. Friday 4 October, 3–4.30 pm. Room 3.01, Nexus 10 building, North Terrace campus and online.



Wonderverse previews

If you missed out on tickets to Wonderverse, you can still get access to a limited number of preview sessions to this sold-out show, exclusively available to University of Adelaide staff, friends, and family. Friday 4 October, 4.15–4.45 pm. Bonython Hall, North Terrace campus. Tickets. 


Training opportunities



Open Access publishing library webinar

Discover the various option for publishing your research Open Access (OA) and ensure that you are meeting funder and University Open Access requirements. Monday 14 October, 1011am. Online. Register.



ADEPT: interpreting Turnitin reports

In this one-hour workshop you will learn to use and interpret Turnitin Similarity and Artificial Intelligence Reports for academic integrity and supporting student learning. This workshop will bring together best practice recommendations and insights from recent academic integrity cases. Wednesday 9 October, 12–1pm. Online. Register



Recognise and Respond training: how to support someone after sexual harm

Providing a brief overview of best practice responses to incidents involving sexual harm. It includes definitions and relevant local legislation, information about reporting and support options for students, university processes and staff obligations. There is time for questions or discussion with our specialist. Tuesday 12 November, 10 am to 12 pm. Room 322 Hughes building, North Terrace campus. Register.


Policies and reviews



Time off for study procedure

Human Resources has conducted a cyclical review of the Time off for Study Procedure. Minor amendments have been approved and the updated procedure is effective immediately.



Support for Students Policy

In January this year the University implemented a new Support for Students Policy, outlining how we provide academic and personal support to students. As a result, other policies that support our students have been reviewed this year, including Academic Progress by Course Work Students, and MACA. The Support for Students Policy is required to be reviewed annually. Feedback is being sought on the current policy. Please email epc@adelaide.edu.au by Friday 20 September.



Student Travel Risk Policy and Student Health Assessment and Leave Policy

The Student Travel Risk Policy and the Student Health Assessment and Leave Policy have been approved to be reaffirmed until 31 December 2025, as both policies required only minor amendments, effective immediately. The change in delegation authority for approving student high risk travel to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (External Engagement) resulted in the revised policy being endorsed at the VCE 4/24-31 July 2024 meeting. The Vice-Chancellor and President approved the policy on 13 August 2024. The Student Health Assessment and Leave Policy only required editorial changes and as such, was approved by the Policy Custodian, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) on 31 July 2024.


The Conversation

Why are we seeing more pandemics? Our impact on the planet has a lot to do with it

When human activities disrupt and unbalance ecosystems, such as by way of climate change and biodiversity loss, things go wrong.

We found 1 in 6 Australian reptile species traded as pets overseas, despite the export ban

The first comprehensive overview of trade in Australian reptiles and frogs worldwide shows more species should be listed for monitoring under the international convention on wildlife trade.

Witness 1.8 billion years of tectonic plates dance across Earth’s surface in a new animation

The first time Earth’s geologic record – information found inside rocks – has been used to create an animation of this kind.

With pope’s visit, Timor-Leste must shine a light on its democratic ideals – not intolerance for dissent

Timor-Leste is proud of being rated as the strongest democracy in Southeast Asia, but as it prepares to receive Pope Francis, tensions between activists and the authorities are rising.
