Training and Education
The centre is the focus of The University of Adelaide’s critical minerals education ecosystem.
This goes beyond core engineering and science; students looking for a career in the industry and current employees looking to upskill need a diversity of skills.Like many careers of the future, subjects such as stakeholder engagement, economics and communications are also important.
A core component of the centre is to train and develop graduates and early career researchers in the emerging field of economic minerals science that is fundamental to future societies.
Industry training
Specialised courses and workshops are under development for industry professionals. Our goal is to educate the next generation of professionals able to implement theoutcomes of critical minerals research to transform industry. This will stimulate industry to propose and lead further research opportunities.
National Exploration Undercover School (NExUS)
NExUS is a prestigious summer school for the next generation of Australian exploration geologists. Programs are administered through The University of Adelaide, and aligned with the critical minerals education objectives of the Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre. More than 130 early career mineral explorers have completed the course. Participants love the hands on, foundational learning, networking opportunities and highly immersive format.
NExUS is funded by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) Minerals Tertiary Education Council (MTEC) and supported by industry, government geoscience institutions and academia.
Postgraduate education
The centre supports research training of postgraduate (Master and PhD) students in critical minerals science and engineering. Contact us to find out how we can support you.
Fully funded Phd projects are current available on the topics of:
1. Geology and genesis of the Bynoe Lithium pegmatite field Northern Territory (with Core Lithium and NTGS)
2. Developing mineral fingerprinting tools for new discovery of Lithium pegmatite deposits (with Core Lithium and NTGS)
3. Origin and rare metal enrichment of highly evolved peralkaline silicate magmas
Contact Carl Spandler ( for details