New barley variety 'Laperouse' released

French barley breeding company SECOBRA is proud to release its first variety in Australia after many years of collaborative research and development with the University of Adelaide.
Laperouse (tested as WI4952) is a new barley variety bred by the University of Adelaide, with research contribution from the Grains Research and Development Corporation and developed by SECOBRA Recherches’ Australian breeding program, based in Adelaide.
- has been tested in the National Variety Trials system since 2016.
- has been evaluated over several years in agronomic trials, with interest in its high yield potential coupled with good straw strength and standability.
- will begin its Stage 1 malt accreditation assessment in 2020, and could be granted malting status in March 2022, at the earliest.
Laperouse has been bred for:
- high grain yield in medium-high rainfall zones
- improved physical grain quality
- earlier sowing opportunities than other spring barley varieties
- excellent straw strength and lodging resistance improved Net and Spot form of net blotches.
Laperouse will be in seed production in 2020 and available to growers in 2021. Seed will be available from Seednet Partners across Australia.
For more information on Laperouse Barley contact :
Kiara Bechta-Metti, Director Commercialisation, Innovation and Commercial Partners