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Unknown 9 = Phaeoacremonium parasiticum
Direct microscopy (PAS staining): PAS stained smear of pus from a subcutaneous abscess of the foot showing septate hyphal elements consistent with Phaeoacremonium parasiticum.
Culture: Usually slow growing, suede-like with radial furrows, initially whitish-grey becoming olivaceous-grey with age.
Microscopy: Phialides are brown, thick walled, slender, acular to cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the tip, 15-50 um long, often proliferating, with small, funnel-shaped collarettes.
Conidia often in balls are hyaline, thin-walled, cylindrical to sausage-shaped, 3-6 x 1-2 um, later inflating.
Phialides are thick walled, slender, acular to cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the tip, 15-50 um long, with small, funnel-shaped collarettes.
Comment: Phaeoacremonium parasiticum is a plant pathogen but it has also been reported from cases of subcutaneous infection, arthritis, mycetoma, endocarditis and mycotic keratitis.
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