National Mycology Reference Centre
The National Mycology Reference Centre (NMRC) is actively involved in the teaching of medical mycology to undergraduate medical students, post-graduate medical students undergoing specialist training in microbiology, infectious diseases and dermatology, and medical technologists and scientists.

Morphological identification of fungi.
The NMRC also hosts a regular national course in medical mycology. Mycology Online is an extension of our reference and teaching activities.
Other functions include:
- Coordination of the medical mycology component of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Program (RCPAQAP), which reaches over 120 laboratories situated in Australasia, Southeast Asia and Europe; and
- Maintenance of a culture collection of medically important fungi for teaching and research purposes.

Automated DNA extraction from skin and nail samples for dermatophyte PCR.
Research interests
The National Mycology Reference Centre has research interests in the following areas:
- Antifungal susceptibility testing
- Surveillance for emerging antifungal resistance
- Ecological and epidemiological studies on Candida, Cryptococcus, Scedosporium, Fusarium, Aspergillus and the dermatophytes

Multiplex tandem PCR for direct detection of dermatophytes in skin and nail samples.
Testing available
Routine testing (Physician requested testing to be submitted via SA Pathology)
- Fungal microscopy, culture and susceptibility testing
- Dermatophyte PCR (skin scraping, nail and hair pluck specimens only)
Referred testing (Laboratory referred testing)
- Definitive identification of yeast and mould cultures
- Antifungal susceptibility testing of yeasts and moulds
- Referral form with current pricing
Please note that fungal serology testing (galactomannan, Cryptococcal antigen), Pneumocystis PCR and Candida auris PCR screening are available through SA Pathology.

Dermatophyte PCR result indicating detection of Trichophyton rubrum complex.
Dr Sarah Kidd
National Mycology Reference Centre
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
SA Pathology
Frome Road
Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: +61 8 8222 3000
The National Mycology Reference Centre does not provide patient consultations or referrals. Individuals with concerns about fungal infection should seek advice from a registered healthcare professional. Information is provided for education and scientific purposes only and is not intended to replace advice from a registered healthcare professional. Information about a service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement.