Early enrolment to help students settle in Adelaide

Thursday, 18 September 1997

Some 220 Malaysian students preparing to complete their degrees at the University of Adelaide, Australia, will take part in a special enrolment event this month at the University's educational ëtwiní in Malaysia, the Sepang Institute of Technology (S·I·T).

Senior academic staff from the University of Adelaide plus members of the University's International Programs unit will visit S·I·T at Klang on October 20 to formally enrol the students in the University of Adelaide, provide course advice, and offer information about living in Adelaide.

The students are taking part in an innovative twinning program where they have the opportunity to complete University of Adelaide Bachelor degrees in Economics, Commerce, Finance, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Science and Engineering. The first two years of study are undertaken at S·I·T before the students transfer to Adelaide for the final years of their degree.

While at S·I·T, students study the same curriculum as their counterparts in the early years of their courses in Adelaide, and take the same examinations.

In the 1996 final examinations, the S·I·T-based students achieved a high percentage of High Distinctions and Distinctions, and an outstanding pass rate overall.

The Academic Director for the twinning program, Dr Tom Kurucsev, said the students were clearly destined to achieve outstanding results in the final years of the course. He said six students coming to Adelaide next year would receive tuition scholarships in recognition of their academic achievements.

"We look forward to welcoming all the students in Adelaide in 1998 and will be doing everything we can to ensure that they obtain maximum value from the time they spend in our University," he said.

Some 1300 international students from 70 countries are among the University of Adelaide's 14,000 students.


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