
The latest news, events and expertise from the University of Adelaide.

Featured stories

AI partnership takes a step in the Ryght direction

As part of a burgeoning strategic partnership, the University of Adelaide and California-based leading enterprise generative AI (GenAI) technology company Ryght have signed an MOU that will help to lift South Australia’s capability in the artificial intelligence sector.

Read more about AI partnership takes a step in the Ryght direction

Copper consortium’s lasting impact on mining industry

A South Australian-based consortium of universities including the University of Adelaide has worked with METS partners, mining companies and key stakeholders to unlock significant economic potential. Innovative research projects have increased copper recovery, throughput and production, resulting in millions of dollars’ worth of potential benefit to Australia.

Read more about Copper consortium’s lasting impact on mining industry

New Zealand’s flightless birds are retreating to moa refuges

Researchers have found New Zealand’s endangered flightless birds are seeking refuge in the locations where six species of moa last lived before going extinct.

Read more about New Zealand’s flightless birds are retreating to moa refuges

The ocean is becoming too loud for oysters

Baby oysters rely on natural acoustic cues to settle in specific environments, but new research from the University of Adelaide reveals that noise from human activity is interfering with this critical process.

Read more about The ocean is becoming too loud for oysters

News in brief

Rainy day ice age in the global south

An international study of the mineral deposits in stalactites in South Australia’s Naracoorte Caves, has shed new light on climate conditions in the Southern Hemisphere during ice ages.

Read more about Rainy day ice age in the global south

University’s Quartet in Residence dazzles in Amsterdam

The Australian String Quartet is taking to the stage across Europe this month with its first performance at the International String Quartet Biennale in Amsterdam this week.

Read more about University’s Quartet in Residence dazzles in Amsterdam

Women innovators helping to change the world

University of Adelaide women researchers have been recognised for their outstanding work at this year’s Women in Innovation Awards.

Read more about Women innovators helping to change the world





As our cityscape lights up, we are proud to open LUMEN Bar in collaboration with the National Wine Centre, nestled in the heart of Illuminate Adelaide's City Lights.



Messages that matter, boosting your communications skills

This session will discuss communication skills when dealing with change, talking about performance, motivating others, and having difficult or emotive conversations. Strategies will be identified and participants challenged to apply them in ways that suit their own personal style. Tuesday 30 July, 12–1 pm. Online.



The pursuit eternal

Pioneering research in plant breeding, alternative proteins, and transformative technologies keeps the Waite at the cutting edge in its constant pursuit of the next big thing.

Harvesting knowledge

Harvest is a crucial part of every winemaker and viticulturist’s year. Meet the team of staff and students who tackled the 2024 vintage at Waite.

When wine came to Waite

Many a successful winemaker made their way through Roseworthy Agricultural College before it merged with the University of Adelaide in 1991. The move saw South Australian teaching and research in oenology and viticulture transferred to the University’s Waite campus, which has since become a global icon of winemaking.

A year of celebrations

The celebrations for our 150th have already begun – the party has officially started.

World News - Autumn 2024

We invited some of this community to be our special “foreign correspondents” - to give a brief insight into their lives, careers and success around the world.
