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Celebrating 125 years of Women's Suffrage

This year, the University of Adelaide has celebrated the 125th anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in South Australia by showcasing our pioneering female alumni, staff and students, as well as promoting our proud record of inclusion as the first university in Australia, and among the first in the world, to admit women to all of our degree programs.
2019 Sir John Downer Oration

The Federal Treasurer, Hon Josh Frydenberg MP recently presented the 2019 Sir John Downer Oration where he spoke about federalism and the Australian economy.
Glenthorne Farm transfers to State for new national park

Glenthorne National Park has taken a major step closer to becoming a reality, with the official transfer of land from the University of Adelaide to the State Government now signed.
[Read more about Glenthorne Farm transfers to State for new national park]
Ingenuity 2019

Ingenuity is an annual Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences event which features a range of interactive, STEM-focused activities and projects developed by our final year students.
Centre to unlock future of space exploration

A new centre at the University of Adelaide will focus on solving the challenge of making long-term space exploration viable.
The new Centre for Sustainable Planetary and Space Resources will bring together experts who will develop ways to sustainably use resources in space.
[Read more about Centre to unlock future of space exploration]
Local boost for agtech, food and wine start-ups

South Australian Minister for Innovation and Skills Hon David Pisoni MP recently launched the the University of Adelaide's ThincLab Waite, Adelaide's first and only incubator dedicated to start-ups in the agtech, food innovation and wine sectors.
[Read more about Local boost for agtech, food and wine start-ups]
Reconciliation Action Plan Launch

In September, the Deputy Premier and Attorney General The Hon Vickie Chapman MP launched the University's inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), Yangadlitya ('For The Future').
Widening scope of education through online learning

The University of Adelaide will educate thousands of additional students online in the next five years thanks to a new partnership with the world's leading learning company, Pearson. The partnership was officially launched in October by South Australian Minister for Education, Hon John Gardner MP.
[Read more about Widening scope of education through online learning]
Joint research partnership set to grow primary industries in South Australia

The University of Adelaide and the State Government have officially launched a significant partnership between the University and Primary Industries and Regions SA's research division, the South Australian Research and Development Institute.
[Read more about Joint research partnership set to grow primary industries in South Australia]
Roseworthy Campus Solar Project

SA Minister for Energy and Mining Hon Dan van Holst Pellekaan helped break ground on a new solar panel farm at the University of Adelaide's Roseworthy Campus. The 1.2 MW solar panel farm will be integrated with a 420kw/1200kWh battery and microgrid and will supply over 40% of the campus' energy requirements.