Campus Safety

Security is available 24 hours 7 days per week and is conveniently located on all campuses.

Campus Security

How to help someone else

Step up

  • Be aware of situations around you
  • Assume responsibility if you see a situation that is problematic
  • See yourself as being part of the solution to help
  • Don't assume that it's just someone else's problem

Speak out

  • Let the problematic person know that what they are saying or doing is inappropriate
  • Talk to the person affected to make sure they are okay
  • Offer suggestions for seeking help, such as speaking with a counsellor or to Student Care

Stand strong

  • Be confident that helping someone in a difficult situation is the right thing to do
  • Take action but be sure to keep yourself safe
  • Take responsibility for your actions
  • Call out your friends if you see them behaving in a way you know isn't right

If necessary, seek assistance or advice by contacting Security Services.

Report an injury or safety hazard

UniSafe is the way which you can report anything which could cause an injury or that has caused an injury to you or someone else.

Being mindful of your safety and the safety of others is important, and reporting an issue gives the University an opportunity to take actions where needed and help to make our campus and student activities safe.

Please note: if you require immediate assistance then please visit Emergency Assistance.