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Preventing Rage Against The Machine

Zygmunt Szpak

The COVID-19 crisis has severely disrupted the way companies organise and perform work, intensifying the rate at which organisations are adopting new technologies to increase productivity and manage remote workers. Many companies are exploring the potential benefits of artificial intelligence capabilities for transforming the way their employees work. 

[Read more about Preventing Rage Against The Machine]

Keeping Australia Safe with AI

Speeding disease diagnosis

As data becomes increasingly valuable, the need for strong cyber security infrastructure intensifies. In an article by Simon Evans from the Australian Financial Review, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning is identified as a key player in improving the nation's defence capabilities.

[Read more about Keeping Australia Safe with AI]

$20M to Establish Centre for Augmented Reasoning at AIML

Benefits to South Australia

Australia’s position as a world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will be further boosted thanks to $20 million announced in the Federal Budget towards a new national Centre for Augmented Reasoning, to be based at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about $20M to Establish Centre for Augmented Reasoning at AIML]

Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Setting


South Australia’s health research sector is among the best in the world, with its renowned infrastructure and applications of new and advanced technologies having a global impact. South Australia has world-leading Artificial Intelligence research capability and a range of other world-class researchers in multiple areas in biomedical research.

[Read more about Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Setting]

Prof Chunhua Shen in Top 5 Researchers for Engineering and Computer Sciences

Chunhua Pic

Congratulations to Professor Chunhua Shen for being listed in the top 5 researchers for Engineering and Computer Sciences as part of The Australian's Lifetime Achievers Leaderboard!

[Read more about Prof Chunhua Shen in Top 5 Researchers for Engineering and Computer Sciences]

AI technology creates new maps to predict high value copper and other mineral deposits

Award winning research with deep neural network AI analysis has lead to new interpretive maps revealing undiscovered mineral deposits deep underground in remote South Australia. Find out how AIML's DeepSightX team is changing the way mineral deposits are found.

[Read more about AI technology creates new maps to predict high value copper and other mineral deposits]

Making Machines that can Generalise with Dr Rafa Felix Alves

Rafael Felix Alves

Dr Rafa Felix Alves, a post-doctoral researcher at AIML, introduces the idea of "zero-shot learning" - a machine learning technique that allows computers to identify novel concepts that it has never seen.

[Read more about Making Machines that can Generalise with Dr Rafa Felix Alves]

Building Confidence in Cancer Diagnosis

Gustavo Carneiro Jan 22

Early diagnosis is the first step in successful cancer treatment and medical imaging has become intrinsic to the diagnostic process. Professor Gustavo Carneiro’s research team has been using AI to boost diagnostic screening for potentially deadly bowel and rectal cancer. 

[Read more about Building Confidence in Cancer Diagnosis]

AI at work: Join us in tackling the work, health and safety ethics of artificial intelligence

While we are all pivoting, innovating and e-volving during Covid19, perhaps you have noticed some of the news stories highlighting how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can trip up some businesses and government bodies, and worried about how you can keep up with the innovation game without similarly falling over.

[Read more about AI at work: Join us in tackling the work, health and safety ethics of artificial intelligence]

LBT Innovations Disrupting the Pathology Market with AI

Adelaide based LBT Innovations is using AI developed in partnership with researchers from the Australian Institute for Machine Learning to automatically screen culture plates with high accuracy and speed.

[Read more about LBT Innovations Disrupting the Pathology Market with AI]