Mapping Earth’s deep crustal source of Victoria’s gold deposits: a new paper published in Nature’s Scientific Reports

Delamerian Orogen

Congratulations to Professor Graham Heinson, Director of the Mawson Geo Centre and Deputy Director of IMER, who has had a new paper published in the prestigious Nature's Scientific Reports entitled "Lower crustal resistivity signature of an orogenic gold system".

Orogenic gold deposits provide a significant source of the world’s gold and form along faults over a wide range of crustal depths spanning sub-greenschist to granulite grade faces, but the source depths of the gold remains poorly understood. In this paper we compiled thirty years of long-period magnetotelluric (MT) and geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) data across western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia that have sensitivity to the electrical resistivity of the crust and mantle, which in turn depend on past thermal and fluid processes. Read more

Tagged in crustal resistivity, orogenic gold system