Other Sustainability Initiatives
Perception of environmental sustainability by older South Australians
With researchers from University of South Australia led by Dr Helen Barrie and supported by FAME Sustainability, researchers from School of Architecture and Civil Engineering led by Professor Veronica Soebarto are undertaking a survey on the perception of older people about environmental sustainability, by using SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire, a new validated questionnaire developed by researchers from The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Poland, and Professor Soebarto. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110514). This project is a continuation of research to develop the Age Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ), which has since been validated and tested in more than 15 countries including Australia and is now an official questionnaire recognised by the WHO to assess the age-friendliness of cities and communities (https://extranet.who.int/agefriendlyworld/afp/the-age-friendly-cities-and-communities-questionnaire-afccq/).
Older people in South Australia are invited to participate in the environmental sustainability survey through WeekendPlus, a digital magazine for seniors, produced by the Seniors Card Unit, Office for Ageing Well, SA Government.
PhD Internship at Catholic Education South Australia (CESA)
In collaboration with FAME Sustainability researchers (Prof Melissa Nursey-Bray and Prof Veronica Soebarto), Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) has created an internship opportunity for University of Adelaide PhD researchers to undertake an audit to develop baseline data around CESA’s sustainability principles - both in the design, operation and user experience in buildings and landscapes and in the eco-literacy in their education programs. PhD students with suitable background for the project are invited to apply to hdr_internships@adelaide.edu.au by 30 April 2024. For more information see: https://scholarships.adelaide.edu.au/Scholarships/postgraduate-research/faculty-of-arts-business-law-and-economics-able/catholic