International Year of Glass – research at IPAS on glass science, technology and art

The seminar will first give an overview on glass research at IPAS, highlighting the intricate connection between glass science and technology and even art. One example, and possibly the most famous example, is gold ruby glass, where the intriguing deep red colour is produced by gold nanoparticles. Glass art using gold ruby type glasses has been made for over 2000 years, but only 100 years ago, the scientific discovery of gold nanoparticles as the source of the colour was achieved. The fascination of the science underlying gold nanoparticles in glass is still lively today. Another, recent example of the fine line between glass science and art is the invention and development of glass doped with diamond nanoparticles for quantum sensing applications. This research inspired an artist to create a new type of glass art, and vice versa the glass artist’s method of incorporating nanocrystal in glass inspired glass scientists to advance their diamond-doped glass based quantum sensor.

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