Deputy Vice-Chancellor's message

Integrity is fundamental to our research endeavours and in maintaining the trust of our broader communities.

The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research sets the national standard. The principles from the Code underpin the University’s Responsible Conduct of Research Policy and Procedure, which states that ‘researchers associated with the University are committed to high standards of professional conduct, and that they will ensure their work enhances the good name of the University and the profession to which they belong.’

Even the most esteemed institutions and individuals can suffer significant reputational damage when integrity is not prioritised. Many of you will be aware of the well-publicised retraction of papers by a leading research institution. In Australia, there are growing calls for a national body. These developments serve to sharpen our focus and resolve in ensuring that we operate ethically and with integrity and rigour.

Approaches to research constantly evolve and often draw in the latest tools. One area of rapid development is generative AI, which brings both benefits and challenges. For example, different journals have different policies relating to the use of AI tools, and Codes are often silent on AI. The European Code revisions currently guide discussion in this area, and call out the need for transparency. We must be ever vigilant in our responsible use of AI and other tools.

As a University we continue to align ourselves with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 and participate in national discussions on research integrity. As a research community, I expect we will have many discussions this year about new developments including AI.

We must all continue to prioritise the integrity of our research. We are fortunate to have an outstanding cohort of research integrity advisors and academic mentors, supported by professional staff, who are committed to maintaining the highest possible standards.

Professor Anton Middelberg
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)

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