Report lays blueprint on fairer, more accountable government co-authored by Prof Adam Graycar

A report co-authored by the Institute's Director Professor Adam Graycar that lays a blueprint for fairer, more accountable government - Australia’s National Integrity System: The Blueprint for Action - was launched today.

Australian House of Representatives

Photo Credit: JJ Harrison ( CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The report is a comprehensive blueprint that looks at Australia’s whole framework of integrity institutions and shows us how we can improve our system. It lays out the essential reforms Australia needs to drive greater transparency, accountability and integrity where findings are set out across 5 focus areas and 10 actions to prioritise over the next 3-5 years. 

The report is an outcome of an Australian Research Council Linkage Project led by Professor AJ. Brown (the lead author) from Griffith University who was recently a guest speaker at our Mapping and Strengthening Australia's Integrity Systems webinar.

The report is available for download.


Tagged in governance, integrity, government, trust, public policy, auspol