Australian Cultural Policy Now: from quick fixes to long-term progress

Performing Arts

With the performing arts reeling from the impact of COVID, this webinar explores a pathway forward.  Grappling with issues such as whether cultural policy should focus nationally or locally, how to shift cultural policy from industrial policy to public service, how inclusive it could be, and how building for the future might take place, three distinguished speakers survey the landscape. They will provide an overview of the settings for Cultural Policy in Australia and also explore how the substructure can be nurtured.

Professor Julian Meyrick 
Julian Meyrick is an acclaimed director, Professor of Creative Arts at Griffith University, General Editor of Currency House’s Platform Paper series, and Literary Adviser for the Queensland Theatre. 

Professor Justin O’Connor
Justin O’Connor is Professor of Cultural Policy at University of South Australia and visiting chair in Cultural Management at Shanghai Jioatong University.

Dr Maggie Tonkin
Dr Maggie Tonkin is based in the Department of English, Creative Writing and Film at the University of Adelaide, where she researches in both dance and literary studies. She writes and reviews regularly for the Australian dance industry press, and is the author of FIFTY: A History of Australian Dance Theatre (Wakefield 2017). Current projects include a monograph on the cultural impact of existential psychiatrist R.D. Laing, and a choreographic 'life' of the acclaimed Australian choreographer Meryl Tankard. She is also working with Australian Dance Theatre on an emerging project on innovative ways of archiving contemporary dance performance and choreographic practice. Maggie is a member of the Reset Collective.

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