Getting better at gift giving

I love it when I find something that will be perfect for my friends or family. But how come when a birthday or Christmas comes around, I struggle?
Gift giving is definitely not my top love language so when I stumble upon something that will be absolutely perfect for someone that I love, it is an exciting moment. Yet, with my mum's birthday fast approaching, I found myself thinking: 'why do I not know what she wants?'. I have always been like this; I think it is the pressure of having a deadline to spend some money that gets to me, that pressure to find something that is just right.
So how can I get better at gift giving? I did some research so that I would be struggling less next time around. A good suggestion is to keep a running list of ideas on your phone. That way, whenever inspiration strikes, you can jot down any gift ideas and then look back on it later. I've already started this in my Notes app in preparation for the dreaded Christmas consumerist rush.
Another idea is to actually buy the gifts as soon as you see them. I always think, 'I'll come get this later,' but am definitely prone to forgetting. Doing this instead would help me in the long run and means that when birthdays or Christmas come around, my bank account will suffer less. Also, I always forget how good of a resource the Internet is for gift giving. There are curated guides online, Pinterest boards, and specialised Youtube videos, which can all help when it is hard to find inspiration.
But the final suggestion, which I will always resort to, is that you can never go wrong with a gift card!