News: friendship
How to make new friends at university

Making new friends is difficult. Especially when starting a new year at university and you do not know anyone.
Missing my PhD crew
Gather around because today, we're diving into a bittersweet tale – the story of missing those awesome friends who've already graduated.
Supporting a friend through grief: A reflection
It's been a tough few weeks, as I've been supporting my dear friend, let’s call them Ash, through one of the most challenging experiences in life - the loss of a family member.
[Read more about Supporting a friend through grief: A reflection ]
Expanding your Adelaide social circle

Now that the semester is almost over, is your social circle where you want it to be?
An unexpected reunion: Reconnecting with a friend who took the first step
Life has a knack for throwing curveballs just when you least expect them.
[Read more about An unexpected reunion: Reconnecting with a friend who took the first step]