News: Award

10 PAMIs and 28 CVPRs in just over a year

The AIML (formally ACVT) has had 10 journal articles published in IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and 28 papers in the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, in the 16 months since January 2015.

[Read more about 10 PAMIs and 28 CVPRs in just over a year]

Great Imagenet detection results

Last week was the deadline for the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC 2015) large-scale object detection task. This is the primary challenge for image-based object detection.  The challenge requires that you detect 200 classes of objects in a set of test images.

[Read more about Great Imagenet detection results]

Professor Wojciech Chojnacki granted Polish State Professorship

Prof. Wojciech Chojnacki was recently awarded the permanent state title of Professor conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland.

[Read more about Professor Wojciech Chojnacki granted Polish State Professorship]

World's best Coco

The Microsoft COCO Captioning Challenge is designed to spur the development of algorithms producing image captions that are informative and accurate.

[Read more about World's best Coco]

AIML semantic image segmentation technique tops the PASCAL VOC Challenge

Researchers at AIML (formerly ACVT) have developed new “Deep Structured Learning” techniques that set up the new state-of-the-art semantic image segmentation record in the PASCAL VOC Challenge, which is organised by Oxford University. Semantic image segmentation is one of the tasks and probably the most challenging one, which is to label each pixel in images.

[Read more about AIML semantic image segmentation technique tops the PASCAL VOC Challenge]

Honourable paper at CVPR 2015

Congratulations to TJ, Pulak, Anders and David. Their paper, Efficient Globally Optimal Consensus Maximisation with Tree Search, recently was awarded a Best Paper Honourable Mention at CVPR.

[Read more about Honourable paper at CVPR 2015]

Best Paper award for Prof Ian Reid at 3DV2014

Professor Ian Reid and colleagues from Oxford have been awarded the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on 3D Vision, held in Tokyo, Japan from 8-11 December 2014

[Read more about Best Paper award for Prof Ian Reid at 3DV2014]

PhD student wins Best Paper prize at ACCV 2014


Zhenhua Wang, a final year PhD student at ACVT (now AIML) has won the prestigious Best Paper prize at the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV14) in Singapore.

[Read more about PhD student wins Best Paper prize at ACCV 2014]

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