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New flyer and sponsorship details for ARC Centre of Excellence in Critical Minerals

The ARC Centre of Excellence in Critical Minerals has just released an information flyer and a brochure outlining sponsorship levels. If your goals align with our vision, you are passionate about developing the research program, and you are willing to commit to an Expression of Interest due for submission to the ARC in July 2021, please contact us.
Pathways clear for decarbonising heavy industry

The production of green steel will be a critical step to enable the world’s heavy industry to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and Australia is well placed to be an important player in this space.
[Read more about Pathways clear for decarbonising heavy industry]
Launched today - the University of Adelaide’s Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre

Ongoing and secure supply of critical minerals is essential to the transition to a high-tech and clean energy world.
International Women's Day hosted by AusIMM

IMER, PRIF Consortium 'Unlocking Complex Resources' and the ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources are proud to be a sponsor of the AusIMM International Women's Day Lunch celebrating women in mining held on the 9 March 2021 at the Hilton Hotel.
[Read more about International Women's Day hosted by AusIMM]
Findings from the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report

A report written from last year’s HiTeMP-2 Forum, the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report has been released. Hear Professor Gus Nathan, Director of the Centre for Energy Technology (CET) and Deputy Director of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) , discuss the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report, download a copy of the report and/or register your interest to attend HiTeMP-3 in 2022.
[Read more about Findings from the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report ]
Tectonic time-lapse: One billion years of Earth’s history in 40 seconds

It’s not often you can click play and watch deep time unspool before your eyes. Read more
[Read more about Tectonic time-lapse: One billion years of Earth’s history in 40 seconds]
Professor Alan Collins awarded the SW Carey Medal

IMER congratulates Professor Alan Collins, Department of Earth Sciences, on this well deserved recognition.
[Read more about Professor Alan Collins awarded the SW Carey Medal]
Prof Gus Nathan presents Industrial Greening for Research Tuesday

The global appetite for low-carbon construction and manufacturing materials is set to skyrocket—and here in Australia we’re uniquely placed to satisfy it. Find out more by attending the University of Adelaide’s Research Tuesday lecture entitled “Industrial Greening” presented by Professor Gus Nathan on Tuesday February 9, 2021, Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace campus or via Zoom webinar.
[Read more about Prof Gus Nathan presents Industrial Greening for Research Tuesday]
Meteorites may have brought water to Earth in the recent past

Dr Lucy McGee from the Department of Earth Sciences at the University Adelaide is co-author on a new paper published in Science on the 8 January 2021.
[Read more about Meteorites may have brought water to Earth in the recent past ]
Nigel Cook presents at Global ROAR

Professor Nigel Cook, Director of the PRIF Integrated Mining Consortium, was a presenter at Amira’s Global Remote Operations Automation and Robotics Day (Global ROAR), which was held on Saturday October 10, 2020.