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Depression 50% higher in women with PCOS

Women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are 1.5 times more likely to have symptoms of clinical depression than women without the condition, a new study from the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute has found. This was the case whether or not women knew they had PCOS.
Combatting child sex abuse: Research Tuesdays

Disturbingly, there is considerable evidence to suggest global demand for child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is growing.
[Read more about Combatting child sex abuse: Research Tuesdays]
Sea snakes show their sensitive side to court potential mates

Decades of research has revealed the remarkable morphological adaptations of sea snakes to aquatic life, which include paddle-shaped tails, salt-excreting glands, and the ability to breathe through their skin.
[Read more about Sea snakes show their sensitive side to court potential mates]