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SME's and young workers face significant COVID-19 lockdown challenges

Nearly a quarter of jobs in South Australia are in sectors such as hospitality, transport, and retail trade which are not suited to working from home and have been hard hit during the pandemic. As a consequence, the young, less educated and casual employees are particularly vulnerable during the current crisis. There is a need for the Federal Government to re-examine the JobKeeper program to ensure that it best suits the coming emergent economy.
[Read more about SME's and young workers face significant COVID-19 lockdown challenges]
To the rescue: opportunities for connecting council procurement and social enterprise

SACES has released a report which provides a toolkit for councils wishing to explore procurement strategies in order to achieve better social outcomes for residents, local communities and local business. It suggests steps that councils can take to identify social procurement opportunities and social suppliers of goods and services that councils procure. Methods for estimating the added value of social procurement are also described.
SA small businesses bearing costs of late payments by big business

A recent pilot survey provides insight into the challenges that South Australian SMEs face in being paid on time.
[Read more about SA small businesses bearing costs of late payments by big business]