Getting to know your neurodiverse HDR students

Neurodiverse HDR students are each inherently different. This workshop will discuss HDR neurodiversity addressing potential issues and emotions of shame and stress that may arise during their studies. This workshop will focus on providing supervisors with practical strategies and discussion points to help their neurodiverse students manage study loads, deadlines, sensory environments and more. The workshop will highlights current research in this area and touch on the host’s own lived experience as a neurodiverse MPhil and PhD student which led her to develop this workshop.

Format: 45-minute presentation followed by a 45-minute round table discussion.

Presenter: Tiana Blazevic is a Disability Support Project Officer and Academic Learning Advisor at the University of Adelaide. Tiana has been working with neurodiverse students since 2020 at the Writing Centre and was the State Representative for the Association for Academic Learning and Languages from 2021-2023. Tiana was diagnosed with Dyslexia at 16 and is currently awaiting a diagnosis for Autism and ADHD. Tiana has developed workshops for the University of Adelaide CaRST program such as “Building a Postgrad Brain: How to use Zotero” and “The forest but not the trees: neurodivergence in academia”.

Tagged in staff news, training