Research and Research Training Domain Town Hall - Signature Research Themes

We invite all staff to the upcoming Research and Research Training Domain Town Hall via Zoom on Thursday 14 November, from 10am to 11am. This virtual event will focus on the Signature Research Themes (SRTs) and is open to all staff interested in staying informed on and participating in research strategy creation leading up to our transition to the new Adelaide University.

Co-leads for each Signature Research Theme (SRT) will provide updates on their progress and there will be an opportunity at the end to ask questions in an open Q&A. More information on each SRT will be provided prior to the event so we strongly encourage you to register your interest.

Please register via Humanitix

The Creative & Cultural SRT (presented at our last Domain Town Hall) has recently opened for all staff contribution via IdeaPlace. Learn more and participate in co-creating the Creative & Cultural SRT.

Please visit the Adelaide University interim staff intranet to stay up to date with the Research and Research Training Domain's activity.

Professor Anton Middelberg FTSE FNAI

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation

Adelaide University

Tagged in Adelaide University, staff news